View Full Version : Reputable Forester in northern Wisconsin for sugar Bush cutting

01-21-2019, 07:02 PM
Have any of you from northern Wisconsin had good luck dealing with a good Forester working on your sugar Bush, I've got 105 acres bordering on South East Oneida county Forest county line and it is in the MFL program, about 45 acres are due to be logged within the next year or 2, I want to find a decent Forester who will know how to deal with sugar woods properly rather than deal with any of the ones that work for these hack and slash loggers we have around here

Zucker Lager
01-22-2019, 12:43 PM
Hey Coondog
I didn't have him come out to my property in Sugar Camp but did talk to the DNR forester for Oneida. He answered a bunch of questions for me. He will come out and walk your land with you. you just have to make an appointment. I don't know what the cost is if any??? but you contact the forester through the main DNR office in Rhinelander. At the least he might steer you one way or another? Jay

01-23-2019, 12:02 PM
Thanks, I deal with the DNR Forester also being I'm in mfl, the one that handles my land is based in Crandon. Problem is you have to hire your own Forester or let the logger hire a Forester as the DNR doesn't do it for you, they basically just oversee your mfl contact and make sure you are following through with the requirements, as far as how it's cut they don't care so long as you take out enough wood as they want.

I figure in better off finding my own Forester to oversee the process with my interests in mine rather than going with whomever the logger hires as then they're his agent and his best interest is to cut as much as he can

02-18-2019, 05:29 AM
i like brock van oss... he's east of you but he will do what's best for the bush, not his wallet (or yours either). 906-367-0777