View Full Version : Test Boil today. Question...
01-19-2019, 03:13 PM
Well I did a test run today with water. 1 leak, tightened the clamp and fixed.
I have a question for you experts on here. I was watching the boil temp on my auto draw and thermometers. The auto draw temp didnt break the 208* and the thermometers didnt reach zero. But the water was boiling nicely. Is this normal since it was water I was boiling? I only loaded the firebox up about half way but like I said I had a good boil going. Thoughts? Thanks Ken
01-19-2019, 03:42 PM
Well water boils at 212 degrees, so if you had a nice boil going and your thermometers and autodraw were showing temps that were much less I’d look into calibrating them. I know on the big dial thermometers there is a small set screw that allows you to adjust.
buckeye gold
01-19-2019, 04:17 PM
Altitude and air pressure determine boiling point. Ex at 1000 ft water boils at approx 210 f. A low pressure system can lower that a little more. To calibrate your draw off thermometer set it at zero while you have a hard boil going with water. You will need to do this at least during initial set up. I don't calibrate mine very often because I finish off the evaporator and I only use temp as a guide when to start checking with a hydrometer. I never make syrup on temp alone.
01-19-2019, 04:19 PM
Water boil temp changes with elevation and barometric pressure. There’s a website that gives boiling point for your location and pressure from the closest weather station. Can’t think of it now, but maybe someone else will.
01-19-2019, 05:48 PM
SapTapApp is the site I think you are referring to. Chickenman sent it to me. Thank you for your input guys. Im lernin!
01-19-2019, 07:08 PM
Sounds like your doing great!
Water boils at about 210 here, so you have to remember that you will make syrup at about 215 F.
Keep going !
01-19-2019, 10:31 PM
MES also has an app where you give it inputs (elevation and pressure) and it spits out draw off temperature. I use it making value added products.
Russell Lampron
01-20-2019, 06:26 AM
Water boils a lot differently than sap. A dial thermometer takes a long time to come up to zero even with a good boil. The way to check those is to boil some water on a stove and bring it up to a good rolling boil. When the water is at temp put the stem of the dial thermometer into the water up to or over the submersion level. When the needle stops climbing adjust it to zero if your thermometer is adjustable.
I adjust mine by watching the bubbles in the syrup. When the bubbles start to look like syrup I start testing with a hydrometer and adjust the needle to 7 when it's at the hot test line.
I like the SapTapApps. I started using it last season. For Android phones and tablets you need to go to and add it to your home screen. It's not available in the play store. I haven't used the MES app, I'm going to have to check it out.
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