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View Full Version : Ice traps for gravity Mainline?

01-15-2019, 03:57 PM
The question is what are you guys doing for ice traps in your mainline's? I'm going to set up my first Mainline ever! Its on a 2% grade and 3/4"rapi-tube Mainline that will be mostly gravity-fed with a surflo pump at the Sugarhouse The surflo will already have a ice trap of course!
The length of the mainline will be approximately 800 feet long and used to transfer all my gravity fed sap from my 3/16 system down to my sugar house... I'm not sure if I even need ice traps throughout the mainline but somebody mentioned that I do. I haven't found or seen any pictures on here (or the internet) of what they use or what they look like... Maybe it's something I have to fabricate or perhaps you can just buy them at the local maple equipment dealer ? I wouldn't imagine it would be the same kind of strainers you see at Tractor Supply but who knows!? Also this being a wireless Mainline I would think I would need something pretty durable to withstand the tension on the rapi-Tube! .. pictures would be great if anybody has any!

maple flats
01-15-2019, 04:36 PM
I never heard of ice traps in a mainline, just make something leading into the shurflo. That can be a screen or a larger vessel with the mainline feeding at or near the top and an outlet near the bottom, preferably with a screen to protect the pump.

01-15-2019, 05:05 PM
Thanks Maple Flats! I didn't hear of anybody else doing that before either but never hurts to ask before I String up a thousand feet of Mainline LOL