View Full Version : First year on RO Deer Run 125 hobby

01-15-2019, 03:15 PM
Hey all,

Super excited to start my RO journey. Looking forward to making more syrup in less time. I have some pre-use questions

In regards to the initial membrane flush. I am on well water that has a filtration system to make it softer (it is quite hard without the filtration). However it has a chlorine addition as part of the filtration system. Some have said that it will work fine if I fill up my permeate tank and let it set for a few days to let the chlorine evaporate. This makes good sense. Before I start processing sap, how much water should I flush through the membrane? Do I flush it down the drain or do I turn it into permeate?

maple flats
01-15-2019, 04:40 PM
With a 125 you want at least 200 gal (2x the hourly rate). However to get the 250, as you rinse the membrane, send the permeate portion to the permeate tank, that way you will have plenty if you start with about 200 gal. Did I send you an updated manual? If not, send me an email at dave@cnymaple.com and I'll sent you one by return email. Even if you have one but got it before Nov. 1, 2018, request a new one, no charge.
If letting your chlorinated water set in your permeate tank, loosen the cap so the chlorine can escape and don't fill the tank to the top. chlorine will only evaporate off the surface. Let it set for at least 3 days but 2 will be enough if the surface area is large.

01-18-2019, 01:56 PM
A couple more questions - Ray gave me both 5 and 10 micron pre filters. Which would work better? And how frequent do I need to change a pre filter?

In regards to plumbing the RO (keeping in mind this is the dolly version), it will stay in the RO closet year round so I am going to have a plumbing wall with labeled 3 way valves. I would like to take the pre filter and wash tank off the dolly and attach them to the plumbing wall. As long as I reconnect everything back the same, this shouldn't be an issue right?

01-18-2019, 02:19 PM
When I had one of Ray's units I used 10 micron. Either will work but the 5 micron will plug up quicker. No issues with what you want to do with the prefilter and wash tank as far as I can see. 3 way valves are great.

maple flats
01-18-2019, 06:15 PM
I have used both too. When I order a case I ask for the 5's, if he is out, I get the 10's.
You change each day you use the RO, and if the feed pump pressure falls below 20 PSI , change in again. Early in the season I usually get between 1200-1800 gal on one filter, later in the season it may drop to 500-750 or so. You will know it needs changing because of the restriction causing the feed pressure to drop.
Unless you get a lot more taps you won't likely need to change except at the end of day cleaning. Do not try to use one a second day. At $3.00/ they are not worth trying to get more use out of one, don't risk sending extra bacteria into your next day's sap.

maple flats
01-18-2019, 06:18 PM
Did you get a copy on my re-print of Ray's manual? If not, send me an email at dave@cnymaple.com and I'll send a copy to you. This goes for anyone else too.

Green mtn maple
01-18-2019, 07:37 PM
Does anyone have Rays contact info or pricing and specs. I’m in the market for an ro

minehart gap
01-18-2019, 08:57 PM
(440) 422-3047 let it ring a long time then let a message.

Green mtn maple
01-18-2019, 11:08 PM
Thank you Much appreciated

spike in wi
03-20-2019, 08:15 PM
I have a question about the Deer Run 125 also. When you first start flushing the membrane after storage I had the red valve on top open about 1 to 1 1/2 turns to get a little pressure and the brass valve under that closed. Is that correct? I'm pretty sure we got some of the preservative into our first batch of syrup. We had to have run pretty close to 200 gallons through it. It had a smell and off flavor to it and very cloudy. Our first batch of 10+ gallons got dumped. We cleaned all tanks and the evaporator and started again. We lost 2 days and 350 gallons of sap. Today we started back up and followed Dave's instructions to the letter and the sap was much clearer and tasted OK. We did a test filter on nearup and was still cloudy. Filtering problem??

03-20-2019, 08:43 PM
Sorry about the syrup loss. Whenever you are flushing anything over the membrane whether it's preservative, soap, or sweet, you want the red, high pressure valve wide open and the needle valve closed. If you look at your flow meter that will give you the highest flow rate over the membrane. The concentrate meter will be topped out and the permeate meter will be bottomed out.

Also, remember to change the filter before processing sap - especially after flushing chemicals like soap, acid, or preservative. After processing sap take the filter out and dump the liquid in the canister. Let the canister and filter air dry. I almost never reuse a filter but one day this year it was still so clean after a short run, I decided to reuse it and it was fine. If you leave the filter in the canister with the liquid and the heat and the microbes, they have a party at your expense.

spike in wi
03-20-2019, 09:34 PM
Thanks for the reply. I wish some of the details were of how and why were listed.