View Full Version : Blower Problems

01-09-2019, 04:01 PM
Hey all, last year we upgraded from a Lightning 2x6 raised flue to a D&G drop flue 3x10. We had our old 2x6 running at peak efficiency. In 2017, we made 200 gallons of syrup off it (no RO). The boil in both syrup pan and flue pan was always amazing. However, with the pan change, we haven't got the hang of how to run the 3x10. The person we bought it from gave us old radiators for grates and they worked awful! Just last week I bought new double v grates and hope that will help with our boiling capacity. However, grates aside, our biggest issue was air. We couldn't figure out the right balance. We had a dayton blower AUF, but the flames barely made it to the flues and the stack was so cool you could touch it with your hand quickly. There was not much of a boil in the back of the flue pan. I imagine this is due to not enough air, but I have no idea what sort of blower I should get. Anybody have some tips?

01-27-2019, 08:59 AM
That sounds very frustrating. Hopefully you can get your new rig up and running. The stack should be getting hot and untouchable, even without a blower. I would check to the following:

1. Wood is dry and well split. Wrist size is the typical suggestion.
2. Stack is correct diameter and is tall enough, at least twice evaporator length.
3. Blower is correct size for evaporator.
4. Ash box is sealed off to force blower air through grates into firebox. When I got my first evaporator the ash box was open to the floor, so adding a blower would have been useless until I closed it off.
5. Arch ramp is properly constructed so that flue gasses are forced up against the bottom of the pan.

maple flats
01-27-2019, 10:47 AM
Do you have any number for the blower you used and what is the stack diameter and height? Do you have the front 6-8" of the grates blocked so the air is forced thru the fire?

01-27-2019, 11:50 AM
Like Dave,
I thought of the same issues. My 3 x 10 uses a 550 cfm Dayton blower for AUF. It has a mechanical damper to regulate the air flow. I have some good grates and the ones you just got should work well. Your making a good jump in size from the 2 x 6 to the 3 x 10. Dont be bashful about feeding it, they are pretty hungry compared to your old rig. And do you have at least 12 inch stack 20 feet high? They need draft. And should boil like crazy with just natural draft! So make sure your natural draft is good first.
Pictures may help us help you. You made a bunch of syrup off the old rig. So you have a lot of experience making syrup. New larger rig should help you make syrup much faster.

maple flats
01-27-2019, 05:11 PM
I don't know what other 3x10's have for stack diameter, but my Grimm arch on my 3x8 is 12", 14" might be called for on a 3x10, or maybe a 12" but higher than 20'. I'm not sure, I just know my 3x8 with a 12" stack 17' high works great (16' + 1' with the flip open cap)

01-28-2019, 07:22 AM
Really sounds like a lack of draft problem, or the grates are plugging and killing air flow. How long did you boil with it? Draft might improve slightly as the evaporator warms up. Only other question would be what size wood are you burning, I assume its probably wrist size but if not that might be a problem.

02-19-2019, 02:43 PM
Thanks for the input guys! Our stack is 14" in diameter and 20' tall. I would imagine this is plenty of draft. I'll wait till our first boil and see how it runs. Then let you guys know how things went. I bet the new grates we installed will help out a ton.

02-20-2019, 08:37 AM
So it sounds like your stack is the right size and height. You have the new grates, that's good too. Again this rig should boil very good with no blower, natural draft only. I would start with that. The 3 x 10 is going to consume mass quanity of wood compared to your 2 x 6. Feed it approparitly. Make sure your blower is running the right direction. maybe thats not a issue?? Maybe that cant run the wrong way?? Just a thought. Make sure the blower is functioing, like the cage is attached and turning??? This should boil at 80 to 100 GPH.
Hoping you find the combination because its go time!

02-26-2019, 02:47 PM
Boiled for the first time yesterday, and things went great! We boiled through 300 gallons of sap in about three hours, so super excited about that. I did put a row of half bricks across the front of the firebox, and as soon as I did this, the fire started to roar. There was barely any ash under the grates when we shut down. I'm betting a lot of this is due to the new grates. Thanks for the advice everyone!