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View Full Version : Does anybody use SS spouts on 3/16 gravity or vacuum setups

Crooked Cellars Farm
01-01-2019, 01:25 PM
Looking to see if anybody out there is using the SS spouts/spiles on 5/16 drops into 3/16 gravity lines and/or vacuum systems. I'm asking this question because I hope to go to 3/16 gravity lines next year(2020)and over the past few years I have been purchasing them for our drops into buckets. This year(2019) we will have 400+ taps all on buckets and I am slowly killing my help (my wife, sis n law and my 2 young daughters) Haha.
My other question is, is if anyone is using them will they or do they plug into any of the 5/16-3/16 tees on the market at the end of the season?
Thanks for your advice