View Full Version : Tapped Monongalia 2019

12-29-2018, 05:21 PM
Only a crazy person would tap this early. Right?
I looked at 10 day forecast . I see every day above freezing with some promise of sunshine.

I tapped one small section today. 14 taps. I had good flow this afternoon. Got to see new releaser check valves in action. I had to coax my old "ebay gast" to get it going but finally got it . Going to start watching for a backup pump.

Tapping another section tomorrow.. Supposed to see some sun with 45 degrees. 59 On monday.

Woo! Hooo! Syrup season has started. Hope to have enough to run "RO" soon. Cook this week. : )

12-30-2018, 09:59 AM
Good luck. I am still waiting a few week. Really not ready yet


01-27-2019, 07:31 AM
Had a good run last Tuesday when it got above 50 degrees. Mostly been waiting. Produced a gallon of very good syrup early in the month. I have about 50 trees tapped. I have a couple gallons in finishing pan now from Tuesday. Going to filter later and can, see what I got. I have 40 trees waiting. Going to tap those February 3. Got another vast vacuum pump on ebay. Nice one. Able to maintain 13 inches now. Hope February is good. Pretty warm here next couple days. Turned on vacuum.