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View Full Version : Another Oil Tank Evaporator Build

12-26-2018, 05:43 PM
Well this is the year that I will finally be upgrading from my propane turkey fryer and 6 taps to an OTE and 40-50 taps. Trying to follow what has been done on here in the other builds with the exception that I am not using a welder on my build.

Everything is being drilled and bolted together with high heat 2000 F sealant between all of the joints and seams.

Pictures below are just from today's progress. I am surprised at how well an oil tank works as an arch. Very cool. Tomorrow I will finish cutting the hole for the door from the barrel stove kit and build the inner ramp.

Still deciding if I will go with AUF this year or not. I will cut the hole for it so that I can easily add it if I want to.

Just need to find a pan for it now.

12-26-2018, 05:44 PM
Couple more pictures...

12-26-2018, 05:54 PM
Looks like you got a pretty good start. It will be interesting to see it done with no welding... That's a lot of holes and bolts! Good luck. Can't wait to see it.

12-27-2018, 12:15 PM
Your going to love it
I test boild mine with h20 I built recently and it all worked awesome ( thanks to all on MT) for insite and wisdom which saved me alot of time in my OTE build
WF mason made a great set of flat pans for it, everything else I welded together... I only have a 100 cfm bath fan that was used laying around that I repurposed into my AUF fan, it definitely increases boil rate when it's on, but I might get a 200 cfm for next year and add a blast gate also...was alot of fun and overall pretty easy build

12-31-2018, 08:30 AM
Well, got it all finished up yesterday and had a small fire just to see how it would burn/ draft. Don't have a pan for it yet so I just laid a sheet of metal across the opening. So far so good, everything went so well thanks to all the other pictures and threads on buildng these from others on here!

Still need to sort out my pan situation, waiting to hear back from a local guy otherwise I'll just order one from one of the big guys.

I'll post some pictures later on, was too excited yesterday and forgot to take any.