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hard maple
09-15-2007, 08:19 AM
This may be a dumb question but here goes.
I still have some burnt on syrup on the sides of my stainless arch.(the defoamer didn't come quick enough)
I've used soap and water with a soft bristle brush, that got some/most of it.
Is there a proven method for dealing with this? Or am I stuck with a two tone arch? The arch is lined with the arch board, so I have no discoloration from heat transfer. I want to keep things looking new and shiny.

09-15-2007, 09:24 AM
try soaking the stain with vinegar. I have found that vinegar left to soak on burned syrup in a pan can work very well, and if it does not work you are only out a few dollars. after i let it soak i use a stiff bristle scrub brush and some elbow greese and it has always worked for me

09-16-2007, 12:33 PM
If Vinegar does not work, you may want to try Bar Keepers Friend. It is a non-scratching scouring powder that does welll on Stainless. Use a soft scrubing pad also.