View Full Version : Mainline enterances

03-17-2004, 04:41 AM
So here is a question for the tubing people.. I am in the process of setting up a 250 tap orchard, (Yes it is VERY late but wanted dibs for next year), The fellow said I could leave the lines up and we have a written contract BUT you know how things go, and I think I might have to take the lines down every year (even though I said I was not going to do that anymore) SO I set the mainline up with no wire But I am useing the IPL mutifittings (saddles)...my other lines are on wire and the tubing goes from the tree to a connector with hook and the hook is hooked to the wire then a 10" peice of tubing and into the saddle entrance But here I have no wire and I do like my lines very tight and am worried about putting too much strain on the enterances How does everyone eles do it?
Thanks, Parker

03-17-2004, 03:21 PM
use 1/4" hollow core nylon rope bascom's sells for .08/ft. page 29 2004 catalog. you compress the rope and it expands then you slide the 5/16 tubbing through it for about a foot the you can tie the other end around your main line with out hurting it it may pull it sidways though. if you use it you will need to burn the end or tape the ends so it does not unravvel it's like mainline tension grips but alot cheaper and the 5/16 will not slip inside the rope