View Full Version : re-canning syrup to remove niter?
12-21-2018, 01:08 PM
I have a few mason jars worth of syrup canned from this past season that have a bit of niter at the bottom.
Is it okay to heat up new jars and just pour off the good syrup on top into new jars without reheating the syrup? I'm afraid of reheating the syrup and getting more niter but I'm not sure the lid would seal without the old syrup being heated.
12-21-2018, 01:49 PM
You'd want to reheat the syrup. I just did this to fill some bottles that someone needed for Christmas gifts to coworkers. I just reheated the syrup in a double boiler to 185 and then bottled. No new niter. If no double boiler is handy, you could also try heating it very slowly but not to over 190 and should get clear syrup.
12-21-2018, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the reply. I'll give it a go.
Dennis H.
12-21-2018, 05:52 PM
Anytime that you are going to rebottle syrup and get it to seal you really want to reheat the syrup back up to about 185.
Heating just the bottle will not keep the syrup from growing mold after a short amount of time.
Trying to get just the clear syrup off the top and not get any of the niter will be tough, your best bet will be to reheat it to about 185 and filter again.
Yeah you may loose a little syrup in the filter but it will give you the best quality syrup in the end.
I have used a new turkey baster to suck the clear syrup off the top, takes a little longer but if you go slow and not let the turkey baster suck to fast you will get little if any niter from the bottom.
As for the worry about generating more niter from reheating, as long as you do not go too high or to fast you will not get any niter to reform.
Try to aim for 185 and go slow. I put a lid on the pot to keep more water from evaporating off while heating. Shake the condensate off from under the lid and give the syrup a stir. I have found that if I did not cover it while reheating the density of the syrup would go heavy. SO now I cover and before I bottle it up I shake the water from off the bottom of the lid and give it a stir and then right into bottles.
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