View Full Version : 55 Gallon Drums of heating oil

12-11-2018, 09:03 AM
Good morning guys,
Does anyone know of a place in Southern NH that will sell 55 gallon drums of oil or will allow you to bring a drum and they will fill it? Where my sugar shack is delivery isnt possible and I want to switch to an oil burner. I have my tank in place and the burner is arriving this week, not I need a source for oil.


maple flats
12-11-2018, 12:04 PM
If nothing else you could get one of those larger fuel tanks for in the bed of your truck and fill that. The biggest issue will that you will be paying road tax on the fuel. While it has fewer BTU's check into getting kerosene, it will not gell and should be able to buy it without the fuel road tax.

NH Maplemaker
12-11-2018, 12:14 PM
Here in New Hampshire most places that sell on road fuel also sell Off road fuel ( no road tax) for farm equipment . I agree with maple flats, truck tank would be best as it sound like you will be doing this when ever you need fuel !

maple flats
12-11-2018, 01:15 PM
It may be different in NH but in NY if you pick up the fuel the vendor charges you the tax. Then you can claim a tax refund from the State. In NY unless the fuel is delivered to a location where it can be claimed off road fuel or other non road use the tax is collected.
Can you get your truck to the sugarhouse? If yes, the fuel company can likely get there in summer or when the ground is frozen. Keep the roadway plowed to drive the frost down.

12-11-2018, 02:14 PM
I think that the guy who fuels my equipment at work has 150'? Hose on his truck, so that may be an option, also our fuel company here will fill Drums for you if you have them handy . It's one of those things that it all depends on the supplier, I have a guy fuel my equipment every other day at work, I use about 4-500 gallons, some oil companies don't want to do it because my equipment doesn't have a whistle like a oil tank in a home, but the other guys are happy to sell 4,000 gallons a month.

Russell Lampron
12-11-2018, 06:22 PM
Here in Loudon we have a self service off road diesel pump at the Beanstalk on Rt 106. I know it's a drive from Merrimack but maybe there's something like that closer to you.

12-12-2018, 07:41 AM
Thanks everyone, need to just get this figured out. I wont be deterred!!! lol

02-06-2019, 12:16 PM
I think I would just burn diesel fuel. A home furnace is hard pressed to use a gallon per day, so a few 5 gallon tanks of diesel picked up at the local gas station should be plenty for boiling for a decent while. Fuel prices are down now too.

02-06-2019, 12:18 PM
Thanks, I got my oil company to come fill my tank. I was worried for nothing.

02-06-2019, 01:25 PM
I think I would just burn diesel fuel. A home furnace is hard pressed to use a gallon per day, so a few 5 gallon tanks of diesel picked up at the local gas station should be plenty for boiling for a decent while. Fuel prices are down now too.

Home heating oil contains roughly 138kBTU per gallon of fuel. Your average home furnace is roughly 80-100kBTU per hour rated.

The most common oil burner nozzle sizes are .75-1.25 gallons per hour flow rated.

Most oil burning furnaces can burn around 1 gallon of fuel per hour of running time, on average a home furnace burns fuel for around 15 min an hour depending on how cold it is. That would average out to burning about 6-10 gallons a day meaning your average 250gallon fuel tank holds about a month of fuel. Oddly enough during the heating season most home owners get fuel once a month.

In an evaporator operation where the burner runs the constantly you will burn thru 5 gallons of fuel in about 3-5 hours depending on the burner you use. Lugging 5 gallon cans will get old pretty quickly.

02-11-2019, 10:05 PM
I am not exactly sure where you are located but Irving/Circle K in Andover near Belletetes has off road diesel. It’s always about 20cents per gal cheaper than having fuel oil delivered.

I on on the Warner side of Kearsarge Mountain.


02-12-2019, 06:38 AM
I'm a bit late to the party. But to echo what others have said. I've seen plenty of people filling up 55 gal drums at off road diesel pumps. The guy behind me the other day was filling plastic drums. I wouldn't go that way seems like they wouldn't have enough heft to them. I have a transfer tank in my truck that has much thicker walls then a drum

02-12-2019, 07:42 AM
Thanks everyone! I was able to get my oil company to come and fill it. Worked out perfectly!

maple flats
02-12-2019, 11:03 AM
Keep it plowed to keep the ground frozen and be sure to get a load of fuel before mud season.