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View Full Version : Next Generation Evaporators-Anybody With Experience With One?

Bruce L
12-07-2018, 07:09 PM
Asking the question for a young neighbor looking to get into a slightly larger and newer boiling process than what he currently has. Saw an ad on Facebook for a 2 x 4 flat pan evaporator with warming pan for a fairly decent price,but I cannot give him an honest answer about quality,durability,and boiling claims. Any help would be greatly appreciated

12-07-2018, 09:14 PM
I have had a NGMP 2x6 for three years. Started with one flat divided pan ( to save money), but changed to drop flue set the last 2 years. I am very happy with it, and get 25-35 gph. Owner was very accommodating and the evaporator is holding up well


Bruce L
12-08-2018, 05:18 AM
Thanks Keith,I see in your profile it lists cdl 2 x6 drop flue. Did the Next Generation flat pan get their advertised boil rate?

maple flats
12-08-2018, 08:41 AM
I don't have one of his evaporators, but I have a 150 gal sap tank from him, very well made, good clean welds and yes, he is good to work with. Great guy!

12-08-2018, 08:40 PM
I do not know the advertised rate, but I got 10-12 gph.


01-06-2019, 07:43 PM
Not to change your direction but check out smokey lake maple products they build the finest stuff on the market their evap rates are huge products look amazing cost is very fair. And they build custom replacements.

Question for you... Do you have data to support your clams? Just making sure you are not a spammer is all.

01-06-2019, 07:50 PM
+1 for Smoky Lake. Smoky Lake is the best evaporator in the business, at least in 2'x6' and smaller. The customer service is too notch and they have a huge inventory or rigs in all sizes.

Speaking of spammers... Glad to see you have only one post that doesn't contain smoky lake in the context. I know, I know I need to contribute to the good of this forum. Sorry folks....

01-12-2019, 07:51 PM
yes I do I have a 2×6 that got a solid 50 GPH without a preheater or a proper hood. I'd tell you to go to my thread an look at all of the other post from owners that responded to it over the last 3 years but it was taken down by the administrator. Because it mentioned smokey lake .apparently a thread that helped me and who knows how many others can't be on this forum though.
I think everyone involved needs to just get over it and move on . high school was years ago.

Taken down because it mentioned smokey lake or because the " other owners " were actually Jim from smokey lake pretending to be an owner of a smokey lake product posting bogus info on the thread? Like you said high school was years ago and its hard to tell who you are REALLY talking to on these forums. Amazing what some people will do these days to make a buck! This will be the last I will post on this thread. I apologize to the OP that Jim tried to hijack your thread desperately trying to sell your friend a piece of equipment. Next Gen makes a really nice evaporator, he'll love it!

01-13-2019, 07:08 AM
wow FDA or homever you sure have a case of little man syndrome! Get passed it and let the rest of us enjoy this site

01-13-2019, 07:32 AM
Another thread ruined because people can’t stay on the Question asked by the Original Poster. He specifically asked about one company’s product and a few members who can’t let go brand bashing have turned this thread into their own personal platform. Stick to answering the OP’s question or don’t answer. If you want to promote your own agenda, start your own thread.

01-13-2019, 10:49 AM
Some big factors for pans performing well. 1) The arch design, is it a high efficiency arch, airtight and insulated on the door, air under the fire, grate styled for air. 2) Is it a high output pan, additional flues, maybe a hood. Both companies mentioned here offer these set ups. I personally boil on one of these and it boils at the rate I expect with the pan and arch I have. If you preheat your syrup before it comes into your pan that increases the boiling rate too. Look up which pan it is and you can get these answers.

Bruce L
01-14-2019, 07:31 AM
Update on evaporator—- he decided not to go with the Next Generation model. It was a 4.5 hour drive one way,plus wait time at the border,and then paperwork and who knows what else at border on return,plus fees,and exchange. Closer dealers would not offer same package to him. A big shout out to Leader Evaporator for coming through,they are giving him a 2x4 evaporator with supreme pan,so he has a little crimp area,at a highly discounted price,and our local Leader dealer,Zoeller Maple is taking some off of the price,and I am personally backing him on the rest,which he will pay me back as he is able. He is a very respectful,hardworking kid,which is very very rare these days,actually shows me more respect than my two sons combined.

01-14-2019, 01:39 PM
Great to hear. It’s to be able to help someone out to get started in a great hobby/ business

01-14-2019, 03:36 PM
Wow Bruce, that's deserves a "shout-out" to you for your kindness and generosity. That kid will never forget what you've done and it's inspirational to the rest of us!

01-14-2019, 09:42 PM
I got started in1993 with ten taps I burrowed from my shop teacher. here I am today still at it.
And I try to help everyone I can for the simple fact that someone did it for me once .