View Full Version : Professional Foresters Insurance Coverage

11-29-2018, 01:24 PM
What insurance should professional foresters have to protect a land owner from timber harvesting encroachment onto an adjoining landowner's property? I.E. If a forester incorrectly defines a harvesting boundary and the logger takes timber from another's property. Errors & Omissions insurance?

maple flats
11-29-2018, 08:17 PM
Ask your insurance agent.

buckeye gold
11-29-2018, 10:56 PM
If your forester doesn't know how to establish boundaries I would fear what my woods would look like. That is a basic skill they better know. Any forester worth their salt establishes boundaries before he marks a single tree. That may be by walking with the owner and verifying by deed and auditor's maps or by survey plats. Other than that basic business liability I would think or a bond. The logger bears final responsibility. All of them I have worked with ( at least responsible ones and honest ) talk to adjoining landowners or verify lines before they cut.

03-12-2019, 08:00 AM
i carry an e&o portion to my general liability. i also require a written contract with my client landowner, in which the client bears responsibility for providing maps of the boundary and/or showing me the location in the field. i also require a written contract between the client and the logger.

there’s more to it in the specific language, but that covers the basic idea.
