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View Full Version : The retail market

11-18-2018, 12:12 PM
Hey all,

I am working on filling orders for stores today and wondering what everyone else gives a discounted percentage to the retail stores for this year. I know that prices are all different in parts of the country, so a percentage would be most helpful also is there a different percentage for syrup vs candies and sugar and cream? Any help would be great

maple flats
11-19-2018, 07:25 AM
I give 15% on orders under $400 and 20% on over $400, they buy up front. I just on consignment I give 10% off my retail. They are welcome to sell for more than my retail but none do.

11-19-2018, 07:50 AM
Depends on the container for me, 1/2 gallon plastic my retailers are making 20% on, 100-200 ML glass they are making 40%, it reall varies. I want my retailers to make money too so they push my syrup. Around here there is Maple syrup in every store , big small, mom &pops you name it, it has a shelf with syrup, I've even seen snowmobile clubs selling it. You need to find any reasonable angle you can for people to buy from you. We had a coffee shop open recently in town and I went in to see her, she had already bought 2 half gallons of syrup from another store, I have her a quart of Amber and a Quart of Dark, told her everything that I know about syrup Grades and how best to use them. She is now buying over a Gallon every week.

I guess that was a long way of saying educate your sellers as best you can ,the more they know about syrup, the more they are going to be able to sell.

Good luck.