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View Full Version : Inferno, intens-o-fire how to?

Uncle Tucker
09-08-2007, 12:05 PM
I am trying to get more bang for my buck. I have a 2x6-leader square side arch on order. I am interested in trying to make it an Intense-o-fire or a Leader Inferno. I Figured I could add blowers and an airtight front later. However, the thing I need to do right now is add air injector ports under the pans. I am going to be putting mineral wool about 1 inch thick for insulation and I would run the air pipes in that. I think that I could use 1 or ¾-inch black iron pipe and just thread on 90s where I need. I will be putting a valve on each pipe so I can control how much air goes where. I do not plan to put any bowers for a couple of years I just don't want to take every thing apart later.
The biggest question I have is how many pipes, and where to locate them (how far from the pans, the door, the ramp, where on the ramp)?
The other question I have is will the pipes melt closed if I do not put air on for a couple of years.

Any help would be appreciated!
Thank You.

P.S. it is a raised flue.