View Full Version : Sugar Shack T shirts

11-09-2018, 08:20 AM
Wondering if any of you have had custom T shirts printed for your sugar shack/sugaring operation?

Looking to have some made as gifts for the crew/kids/families for Xmas

Any recommendations are appreciated.

11-09-2018, 09:30 AM
We did through Custom Ink. We did long and short sleeve T-shirts​. Very happy with them.

11-09-2018, 12:34 PM
I had hats made.

Russell Lampron
11-09-2018, 05:24 PM
I had hoodies, short sleeve T shirts and long sleeve T shirts. I had them done in light grey with a 2 color logo first and then had a batch of maroon with a white logo made. It's about time for some new ones and I've have had request from past recipients for black hoodies and T's with a 2 color logo. The pic in my signature is the logo on one of the first hoodies.

sap retreiver
11-11-2018, 07:18 PM
That's how I started with making shirts, for family and friends that help. I think I've sold more shirts and sweatshirts than syrup after she put em on facebook. 18964

11-12-2018, 02:56 PM
Thanks for the ideas everyone! Di you guys have to do the custom logo work yourself or was it done by the printer?

Russell Lampron
11-12-2018, 06:28 PM
Thanks for the ideas everyone! Di you guys have to do the custom logo work yourself or was it done by the printer?

The printer did mine. I gave him an idea of what I wanted and he did the rest.

maple flats
11-13-2018, 08:05 AM
I ordered new hats back 2 months ago. I have gotten no satisfaction yet, the last notice I got from the guy I ordered them from is that they came in printed wrong (he sends the hats out to another company who embroiders them). The bad part is that he was paid 5 weeks ago.
Back when I drove bus full time, I worked with this guy's father and ordered thru him. While they were never quick it never went past about 3-4 weeks. I guess in the future if I want to order hats (or shirts, jackets etc) I'll order directly from the one who does their own printing or embroidery.
My hats will just have my web address on them, no logo. I have not yet done a logo but various printers have offered to do the artwork, someday I might have it done. In fact I have two nieces and a grand daughter, all of which would be able to do the art work.