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View Full Version : Creosote problem

10-21-2018, 05:52 PM
I had some wood last season that wasnt as dry as I had hoped. I burnt it anyway now I have
stage 3 Creosote glaze on my drop flue pan .
Flu brush didnt work last season now even a wire brush will not remove it.
It's about 1/64 thick and the flakes I can get off are like glass and will crack and snap when u bend them.
Does anybody have or have had this problem .
What is the best way to clean this stuff off .
Power washing doesnt remove it
I dont want to scratch up the pan with a wire brush.

Haynes Forest Products
10-21-2018, 06:34 PM
Lay it dirty side up and let it dry then get yourself 4 cans of EZoff and spray it on heavy heavy heavy and then cover it with plastic to keep it cooking and power wash the next day. Be patient.

maple flats
10-21-2018, 07:29 PM
Or just put water in the pan and burn a real hot fire with good dry wood, it will loosen and then a under flue brush will remove it.

10-22-2018, 05:31 AM
If you use the oven cleaner, by very careful spraying it into the flues, because it will want to bounce back at you.