View Full Version : FDA Registration and a few other agencies.

Haynes Forest Products
10-12-2018, 07:35 AM
So they want us to register with the FDA OK that fine BUT turns out that the FDA will be sharing the information with the IRS and Department of labor. Now I don't worry when helicopters fly over my house and I threw all my tin foil hats out years ago. BUT when I see how complicated the form the state sends me for being a licensed maple producer it makes my head spin. I know I know its information that they need to have to make my life easier.

I can only imagine how this little document is going to read. OK now let me see where did I put those receipts from 1987???

10-12-2018, 08:11 AM
I am getting out of the bulk syrup thing so I dont have to deal with that crap.

Russell Lampron
10-12-2018, 06:45 PM
I've been flying under the radar for years. As far as the IRS is concerned it's a hobby, not a business. I didn't and won't register with the FDA. If I can't find a buyer for my bulk syrup I'll just have to put more effort into selling it retail.

11-07-2018, 10:04 AM
So they want us to register with the FDA OK that fine BUT turns out that the FDA will be sharing the information with the IRS and Department of labor. Now I don't worry when helicopters fly over my house and I threw all my tin foil hats out years ago. BUT when I see how complicated the form the state sends me for being a licensed maple producer it makes my head spin. I know I know its information that they need to have to make my life easier.

I can only imagine how this little document is going to read. OK now let me see where did I put those receipts from 1987???

Do you have a reference from the FDA stating that? It's not like they collect financial or labor information.

In terms of receipts from 1987, I don't think that they can go back further than 7 years and then only if they have evidence to modify your return.

11-07-2018, 01:14 PM
Don’t worry about Chuck, he wears a tin foil hat.........but that’s why we like him! Lol