View Full Version : Chinese RO membranes

10-10-2018, 10:50 AM
Has anyone tried the Chinese ro membranes that are available on Ebay? Are they any good?


10-10-2018, 04:12 PM
buy some , then during season when they blow out ask your local dealer what happened

10-10-2018, 05:46 PM
buy some , then during season when they blow out ask your local dealer what happened
What kind of answer is that to his question.

10-10-2018, 05:55 PM
I'm sure the Chinese ones would work. I'm sure all the big name brand membranes are made in China as well.
But for the price you can get them here for example at MES. I think its $230 for a 4" and $800 for an 8" it's not worth experimenting with an unknown Chinese membrane.

10-10-2018, 07:56 PM
CDL sells made in China bag holders and aluminum spouts

10-11-2018, 06:42 AM
What kind of answer is that to his question.

I don't care where they are made, why would you buy something and take a chance on it working? Our windows are short to make syrup. Down time is a killer in this business

10-11-2018, 08:25 AM
What kind of answer is that to his question.

Not to take a side, but it is probably because dealers have to cope with this issue all the time. People try to save a few $, then when they got from some cheap supplier fails, they have people beating on their doors trying to get them to fix the problem immediately. Kind of like buying after-market engine parts for your car and then complaining to Ford when the piston blows out.

10-11-2018, 09:20 AM
I tap 35ish trees. If ro doesn't work I would be able to boil what I collect. I was just looking to save some time without spending a ton of money but I guess the cdl sales reps seems to think it'll fail

10-11-2018, 10:14 AM
I tap 35ish trees. If ro doesn't work I would be able to boil what I collect.

With 35 trees, you're probably better off looking into a micro-RO rather than a true maple RO unit (which would cost far too much, the membrane is just one part of the total cost). These are the off-the-shelf, undersink type units. They are slow, but do work. Cornell has some info/videos on them.

10-11-2018, 06:57 PM
I tap 35ish trees. If ro doesn't work I would be able to boil what I collect. I was just looking to save some time without spending a ton of money but I guess the cdl sales reps seems to think it'll fail

I'd like to think the CDL rep was giving you some good advice regarding what the consequences may be If it fails. Will the EBay seller be able to get you back up and running as quickly as a local dealer or supplier...
I don't think he knew that - in your case - you could do just fine without the RO.

Haynes Forest Products
10-12-2018, 07:17 AM
Speaking from experience when it comes to Tech support on your RO. Them BANK your unit shuts down and you don't know why that is when your dealer/supplier is your savior. So you make the call and and while they are on the phone another wagon full of sap pulls up. He has you do a few things and adjust a few valves and it will turn on and then shut back down. You answer all his questions the best you can until he asks you the last time YOU had your membrane professionally cleaned? That's when you tell him you didn't and got some after market membranes. Now How much time do you think he should spend trying to get your machine up and running after that?

I put the plug in mine and got distracted and put it in the housing upside down................:confused::confused::confused: When I made the call to CDL within a few seconds of conversation with Kellan he told me what was wrong and I was back to work. I can't tell you NOT to buy them but I can tell you that when I sit down after hours with the guys that sell equipment it drives them batty fielding questions all day long from guys that picked up a used RO cheap and then want them to get it going over the phone.

Every year when I finally have sap in the tanks and the RO is all shined up and the lights come on I still feel like the day I watched the first space shuttle clear the launch pad and make into space.

10-12-2018, 09:04 AM
So i think the theme and advice is..purchase where you have support when something goes wrong. That goes for any maple equipment. Take the time to develop a relationship with a dealer or mfr and go from there. The time they pick up the phone when the sh#t hits the fan is priceless. Think about it, how many of us go to the same diner or coffee window because the waitress or cashier knows what we want????? Customer service...sometimes considered a lost art but great when you find it again

10-12-2018, 11:50 AM
Has anyone who replied to this thread actually taken time to read the OP’s question before going on rants about you should only by from a Maple Dealer? The OP asked if anyone had bought Chinese membranes and how they worked. He also stated in post #8 that he only has 35 taps. Very unlikely he is going to be buying a Maple equipment RO. There are lots of threads on Maple Trader on people making home built RO’s very successfully. For his quantity of taps, a small home built RO would be the way to go and not be in any danger of hurting sales of a Maple Equipment supplier.

10-12-2018, 12:30 PM
I have to say I agree with BAP. the first response seemed pretty rude and everyone else is just taking about him calling for support and yada yada. I know a lot of people on here are dealers and probably have to deal with idiots but all he asked was if anyone tried the membranes and it doesn't sound like anyone has.

10-12-2018, 04:44 PM
I have to say I agree with BAP. the first response seemed pretty rude and everyone else is just taking about him calling for support and yada yada. I know a lot of people on here are dealers and probably have to deal with idiots but all he asked was if anyone tried the membranes and it doesn't sound like anyone has.

Has anyone who replied to this thread actually taken time to read the OP’s question before going on rants about you should only by from a Maple Dealer? The OP asked if anyone had bought Chinese membranes and how they worked...

Has anyone tried the Chinese ro membranes that are available on Ebay? Are they any good?

There was more to Steve's question than Chinese membranes, it included purchasing from EBay... I agree everyone missed the China part and homed in on EBay.
Blunt?..maybe; but most were offering up pretty valid advice for purchasing from a local source - in the event he should need help or service - as opposed to buying there. A membrane is not a stand-alone item, such as a piece of hose, a valve or some insulation board, but part of a fairly complicated piece of equipment.

I don't see the need to get agitated. Advising a newer member that buying locally will serve him/her better in the long run, as their operation grows, is great advice. The merits of Chinese membranes - good or bad - have not been addressed yet on this thread. My 2¢.

10-12-2018, 05:00 PM
There was more to Steve's question than Chinese membranes, it included purchasing from EBay... I agree everyone missed the China part and homed in on EBay.
Blunt?..maybe; but most were offering up pretty valid advice for purchasing from a local source - in the event he should need help or service - as opposed to buying there. A membrane is not a stand-alone item, such as a piece of hose, a valve or some insulation board, but part of a fairly complicated piece of equipment.

I don't see the need to get agitated. Advising a newer member that buying locally will serve him/her better in the long run, as their operation grows, is great advice. The merits of Chinese membranes - good or bad - have not been addressed yet on this thread. My 2¢.
I would like to know what local dealer sells RO’s and membranes for someone with 35 taps? I will bet it is an EXTREMELY small or NONEXISTENT list.

10-12-2018, 05:34 PM
I would like to know what local dealer sells RO’s and membranes for someone with 35 taps? I will bet it is an EXTREMELY small or NONEXISTENT list.

At least 15 in N E Ohio alone that would have what he needs. And BAP let me apologize for your butthurt, that wasn't meant to degrade anyone. For those that know me, which is a lot on here, I don't beat around the bush or blow smoke. I give advise that is beneficial to the individual as practical and financially sound in the long run. The margin of profit as a dealer is less than 5% so don't pull the I just want to sell more stuff line. I don't care if I sell anything!! My phone is on 24/7 year round because that's what it takes for a producer in a jam. Im a wholesale and retail distributor and am currently 30% over the bulk rates nationally because I support the producer. Have a blessed day !!

10-12-2018, 06:06 PM
I Think If I was doing 35 taps and wanted an RO I would consider one of those RO buckets, the guy that makes them has sold enough of them he should have it pretty much down to a science and walk you through how to use it. I guess I dont know what it would cost to build your own small RO, but for what those buckets go for and what it will save you in time I think there reasonable.

10-12-2018, 06:52 PM
Has anyone who replied to this thread actually taken time to read the OP’s question before going on rants about you should only by from a Maple Dealer? The OP asked if anyone had bought Chinese membranes and how they worked. He also stated in post #8 that he only has 35 taps. Very unlikely he is going to be buying a Maple equipment RO. There are lots of threads on Maple Trader on people making home built RO’s very successfully. For his quantity of taps, a small home built RO would be the way to go and not be in any danger of hurting sales of a Maple Equipment supplier.

Sorry BAP. Not sure what rant you are talking about but I sure wish someone would of given me the service advice before I bought RO filters from a RO company that new nothing about maple. Oh and by the way those cartridges were tapped not fiberglass woven, needed adaptors and then needed the stems trimmed to fit the machines.

As far as your 35 tap count comment, yes I read his tap count, but I forgot we are all at the same number of taps we started with when we started sugaring.

Haynes Forest Products
10-12-2018, 10:16 PM
BAP once again you added nothing to the OP conversation but DID take the time to chastise all of us for our collective conversation.

buckeye gold
10-13-2018, 05:03 AM
Hey at least this is free entertainment and better than some of the crap on TV.

Sometimes this forum reminds me of a bunch of old church Ladies......crucifying everyone else while extolling their own righteousness, and serving their own agenda. But at the end of the day everyone is helpful and good people at heart. So let's just adjust our panties and move on. A simple answer would have sufficed; such as, The cheap cut rate membrane will not hold up under the rigors of Maple syrup production and you will get poor if any support, a dealer purchased membrane is worth the extra cost.

We all done things in the name of saving money that bit us in the butt....In the words of that wise man Bob Marley, "don't worry be happy"

10-13-2018, 04:26 PM
Buckeye you are a poet...👍