View Full Version : Deer Run 250 membrane storage and acid wash

10-06-2018, 06:15 PM
Great weekend so far. Just picked up a used Deer Run 250 ro from a gentleman that lived Just north of me. Now i have some questions. Store the membranes in the unit or in canisters out side the unit (he Had them stored in Pvc canisters but he set it up to show me it worked so the membranes are currently in the unit.). Next question is the acid wash. How much citric acid powder do you use? He also gave me some PH powder and not sure what that is for. Any info You could give would be awesome. I did get the hand written manual from the seller but as You that have it know there is a lot of references to 'per manufacturer instructions'. Again thank you for any insite


10-07-2018, 06:21 AM
I live in Gaylord and also have a Deer Run 250. I have copies of the original owner's manual and Dave Klish's rewrite of it. If you want to come up and get them, maybe I can answer any other questions you might have on it and ideas for your setup plan. As for leaving the membranes in the unit, I have never taken them out. PM me and I will give you my phone number.

10-07-2018, 07:13 AM
Gary. PM sent

maple flats
10-07-2018, 08:16 AM
Congratulations, once you become comfortable using your RO you will wonder how you ever did without one.
I no longer have the original manual, but if you send me your email address I will send you my rewrite. Originally I made a rewrite up by just reading each hand written sentence and putting it into my computer, just correcting a bunch of grammatical errors and putting it into plain English. Then as questions came up from others I refined the manual to address areas that were either not covered or were confusing. Then a year or so ago, I added a section that was totally mine, explaining how I run my Deer Run R.O. Before I did that I ran everything past Ray Gingerich, the manufacturer of Deer Run R.O.'s. In the manual all treatments will simply tell you to follow the product container. It refers to Leader Chemicals and the container will give amounts in reference to how many 8" membranes you have. To convert that to 4" membranes just divide by 4, thus if you have 2@4"x40 like in a 250 you divide it by 2. In my manual I made up a table of contents to help you locate the section you need faster.
If you or anyone else want a copy of the manual, send an email to:
and I'll send you a copy. It is in MS Word, you must be able to read that or convert it to something you can read.
From time to time I will make new additions to ammend all previous editions, as new questions or concerns come up.
As far as storage it is up to you. I actually have 4 membranes (a spare set, just in case), 2 are in the RO, 2 are in PVC vessels. If you keep them in the RO, use preservative and keep the RO from freezing. Drain all parts except the vessels. If you decide to store them in PVC canisters, they still need to be filled with preservative, the membranes must never be allowed to dry out. Then drain the RO completely and place the canisters with the membranes in a cool dry area.

11-05-2018, 10:11 PM
Hey Dave,

I stumbled across a Deer Run thread on the other site and saw that people were draining and flushing the preservative from the lines and pumps without draining the membranes. I haven't been doing this. I've drained and rinsed the wash tank, but thats it. I'm going to PM you my email to get your updated version of the manual and see how you are doing this, but thought I'd mention the topic on this site so it gets to more people.


maple flats
11-06-2018, 04:55 PM
I just added one point to the manual. Drain and change the oil in the high pressure pump yearly.
When I put mine to bed, once I have the preservative in the membranes, I close both needle valves and then drain the wash tank (and rinse it) plus I drain the HP pump. just remove the plug in the bottom of the line of fittings at the bottom.
Membranes can also be stored in a canister and stored where they will not freeze. If you store them in the RO, be sure to keep them from freezing.