View Full Version : September Journal

09-01-2007, 03:57 AM
Well its Labor Day. Its going to be a long weekend. There so much to do. Like get wood ready. Also going to finally start leveling gravel out for the new sugar house. Its a joint venture with my uncle. its ben in the planing stages for years. not sure if we are going to pour any cement this year or not have to see how the weather and finances go.

Mike- I was up in your neck of the woods yesterday. Right across from your sugar house I think. We were preping a driveway for Terry Wallace. And i noticed the red gate and got to thinking, that you said on the middle road. I wanted to wander up the road and see but didn't have time. Was I right?

Well to all out there have a great weekend and I'll keep you posted on the sugarhouse project.

09-01-2007, 10:17 AM
Hope all have safe Labor day as we head quickly into the fall season.
Beautiful weather her in Albion.
Off to the Erie county fair to work in the maple booth and check on the entries in Maple and honey class. I heard through a friend that we got first in one of the honey classes. Way to go bees!
Same friend (Charlie Schroeck) and I gathered the largest swarm of honey bees I have seen to date about 6-7 gallons of bees, last night. I brought them home at dark. This morning I put on two honey supers to see if they might make some goldenrod honey in a hurry?

I have been asked to judge syrup and honey at the local Spartans burg fair. New experience for me. Looking forward to being the judge rather then the contestant.

Supply of maple syrup should be enough to get through till next season. Lots of nice med and dark in the freezer in 2-1/2 gal. jugs.

Still making a few drops as I get time and working on tubing set ups for next spring.

I think there is going to be a brand new evaporator in or neighborhood. I spoke with Scott Durfee and he is planning to up grade from his half pint to a bigger unit. Good luck Scott with the new rig. I believe he is planning to be on or NWPA Taste and Tour this spring to show off his new sugarhouse and equipment. Scott and family made 13 gallons of syrup last year and plan to decrease boiling time and maybe make some more syrup for 2008.


09-01-2007, 01:44 PM
Snuck out of work early,,had a bite of lunch,,gonna run down to the sugarhouse and get some more wood in,,just too nice out to work,,,,only 24 more cords to go :}

09-01-2007, 04:53 PM

The main thing is that you are getting wood in and we are all glad to see that!!!!!

09-01-2007, 06:29 PM
It has been a busy summer and there is still a lot to do.
We still have more wood to cut and split.
The sugar house needs finished.We have to saw and nail up the batton board and finish the bottleing room. I would also like to make some improvments to the evaporator. Maybe a new or good used 2x6 or 2x8 next year.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable labor day.
Sugarmaker, my wife and I might be up your way at the end of this month or the first of Oct. Would like to stop in for a visit if time permits.


09-02-2007, 08:11 PM
Had a fantastic market weekend. Tomorrows the day for sales at the saphouse. Syrup went to 7 different countries and at least 10 different states from my stand. My business plan is working!! Make more syrup and sell more syrup. Simplicity. Hope everyone else is selling lots too.

09-03-2007, 11:45 AM
I was just outside cleaning up some stuff and I noticed this guy on my seedums.

Anyone have any idea what it is? Looks like a jumbo bee/wasp.

Not sure if it is the same thing, but last week I saw a couple of these on the seedums and they were totally jet black, not sure if this thing is changing colors or in the same family?

It is about 2-3 inchs long.

I also posted a couple more videos of me and the Gov tightening up some mainline this past spring.

09-03-2007, 06:58 PM
Does this look like him?


Tachinid Fly
Species: Trichopoda pennipes / Diptera Family Tachinidae
Trichopoda pennipes is a parasite of several species of Hemiptera (true bugs), most notably squash bugs and stink bugs.
Live adult Tachinid flies photographed in the wild at Winfield, Illinois, USA.

Edit:Hmmm, not sure, this guy has a more rounded bum than yours, which is more pointed and wasp like... how about this one:

Great Golden Digger Wasp
About a hundred pics of them, and more info: http://bugguide.net/node/view/414

09-03-2007, 08:39 PM
You guys can keep those ugly bees! I have never seen either one.

Andy P would love to have you stop in Give me a call or P.M. me.
Sugarhouse is always open for visiting! All traders are welcome!

We packed it in this weekend.
Sat at the Wattsburg fair making maple shakes till close. Sunday we did a family reunion just outside of Smethport (SP) near Kinzua dam. Beautiful country in the Allegheny's.
Spartansburg fair judging today, thanks to Cheryl we finished in three hours.
Then relaxed by a campfire in the back yard and watched the gorgeous red/yellow sun set.


09-03-2007, 09:43 PM

It is the second one for sure.

I wonder if there are different colors in the species? Because today was the first time I saw the exact one in the bottom picture, but last week I noticed the same size and shape but it was all jet black, no bright orange like this one. but that is the bugger.

Does look like a stinger on the back of it too.

09-04-2007, 12:26 AM
Those wasps are the most aggressive things i've ever seen. Normally when you spray a small wasp nest they don't go ridiculously crazy, they buzz around just more pissed than anything and die. these things don't die when you spray their hole atleast not quick i sprayed this one and i swear each one smacked me in the face. Didnt sting me but flew directly into my face. Seems to be a bunch of these hives this year i have atleast 6 that i've counted right along the wood lines.

09-04-2007, 06:44 AM
Finishing up the sugar shack/garage combo. What an adventure it has been. The price to run a 60 amp service from the house is just about going to kill me with the price of copper. Taking the hobby evaporator off the for sale block for this year, looks like some long boiling nights again , but I would be afraid to order one now and still receive it by sugar time. Oh yea I forgot the the real reason: I'm broke!!!, the building took about 40% more $$$ than I figured. Oh well, at least I got some road millings from the state. Spread them on the driveway, picked out the chunks and by the time winter rolls around it will be so packed it will almost look like its just been paved.

Will post pictures soon

09-04-2007, 12:06 PM
Just Back from Syrupmakers Ya'll come weekend.. so much fun !!! Well guess it's back to reality and the hunt for THEE sugarbush!! hopefully this weekend I can get out in the woods and start scoping it out before the leaves start to come down..... Got some cleaning left or recleaning that is in the SH, get rid of all the spider webs, mouse poop and whatever else from the summer...

need to bottle up wedding favors for my neices wedding in OCT. and also get ready for the fairs... so much to do ... so little time

09-04-2007, 08:13 PM
well my weekend was spent pickingaples and pressing.got to an apple tree that doesnt have bees and picked 6 bushels out of 7 trees and made about 5.5 gallons. good thing the cider press broke so that means for a couple days im free from the trees and i can practice for the dirtbike race comming up this saturday. hope everyone had a safe labor day.

09-04-2007, 08:41 PM
Maplewalnut- Not sure if youve been talking about your shed in previous posts but can you give me some details? Ive been working on a shed all year too and would be interested to hear about yours. I know what you mean about being expensive I'm going to be paying for a while myself. Ive been boiling outside under a tarp on a flat pan and Im thinking its all going to be worth it next spring when were sitting inside!

09-05-2007, 10:54 AM
My building is 24x32 but the syrup portion of it is only 12x24. The second floor has a partial loft over the garage portion of the building. I constructed it all out of rough cut poplar and hemlock that I had sawed. Full 2x6's for the walls and 1in board and batten siding. Finishing the electric right now and then I can position the evaporator and get everything ready. I put in double doors on both the front and back walls of the evaporator room to get good cross ventilation. Cupola is 5 ft long on the ridge. Maybe I'll get pictures posted this weekend.

Now I need to find some more trees.

09-05-2007, 06:57 PM
Is it just me or did anyone else start seeing the leaves changing color? Some of ours are from frost (very early Aug 20) and some from stress do to the lack of rain (only 2 days in 9 weeks and one or two t'storms) wicked dry here.

09-05-2007, 07:28 PM
Tapme- Here in northeast pa just started to see a little color but I dont think weve had a frost. Some places are dry though and maybe thats it. Maplewalnut- sounds like a nice sugar shed, I think mine is pretty similar. We used rough cut too. Looks old timey. Im looking foreward to seeing the pictures. Are you going to be all set to boil in the spring?

09-07-2007, 06:07 PM
Doing some browsing for glass nip bottles for a wedding I am supplying syrup for.......
Also thinking of a filter press finally... Chris is pricing one out... I will ask a few questions on the appropriate forum about filtering.. :)

09-07-2007, 08:39 PM
Jim, I hope you have a good way to fill the 50ml nips if you get that size. I did one box from the canning tank and had enough of that. There was more syrup on the outside of the bottle then inside! I got Leaders vaccume filler and love it. We filled 4 cases a couple of weekends ago in under a half an hour. It was a great investment. I also got my first blue ribbon at the Hopkinton State fair last weekend. I am still on cloud nine. That syrup was the batch that was put up in beer keg. Taste great..less filling!!


09-07-2007, 09:14 PM

I believe you will have to pay Marty a visit soon. Sounds like he is getting good at filling nips.

PS He will be getting good at all the "honey do" jobs soon also! Good luck Marty, I know it is an exciting time.

super sappy
09-08-2007, 04:10 AM
The sugar house has a new super shiny Evaporator in it. Tim and Keith at Maple pro were excellent to do business with. My old van made the trip without a hitch.Friday was a great day for super sappy. Oh I forgot to mention that My old green( I think it was green at one time) LEADER hat has offically been retired to the sugar house museum. I now am sporting a verry nice CDL hat, compliments of the maple pro guys. Its been 3 hours since I looked at it last so I gotta run............

09-08-2007, 07:00 AM

What size evaporator did you get?? More details??

09-08-2007, 05:49 PM
Marty the nice thing about the kegs is that it will stay as good as the day it went in if it is hot packed.

09-09-2007, 04:02 PM
I was real nervous about putting good syrup in a keg at first. I could almost still smell beer inside! I am now a firm believer in storing syrup in kegs. It is a little bit of a pain getting it back out, but the pump on the filter press and a hand barrel pump work good. It's the perfect size for a small producer. The next thing I have to scrounge up is a drum dolly. Those full kegs hard to move around when full!


09-09-2007, 07:50 PM
I'm starting to get things set up so I'll have an easier time this spring. I've got one monster American Elm next to the sugarhouse that has somehow survived and generated a lot of 2 to 4" elms all around the area. I've been cutting them and letting them sit with leaves on as suggested here and will cut them for firewood in a week or so. They should make a nice addition to the split oak and maple I usually burn. Not too much splitting either since they are so small. A monster basswood blew down in a storm a couple of weeks ago, and took out a great sugar maple. The resulting tangle is way to dangerous for me to deal with so I've got some tree guys cleaning it up this week.

Last spring was the first time we boiled indoors, in an old bunk house for a church camp that was here. It was great, but since the building had sat full of old milk cartons for years (saved to build milk carton boats for a local summer festival) it smelled of mice. This summer we power washed the walls and ceiling and tonight I sprayed the interior with shellac to seal it up. New glass is being cut at the local hardware store to fix the doors and a couple of windows. I'm going to change the grade a bit on one side to minimize snow melt coming in the doors.

I hope to be able to replace my barrel kit door with a home built airtight. The rest of my arch is sealed up pretty well, so I've been running the blower full blast. It will be nice to cut down on the ashes blowing out.

This spring should be great!

super sappy
09-10-2007, 05:51 PM
Brandon - The new evaporator is a 2x6 raised flue. It bones me up to walk by the sugarhouse window and see all that shiny stainless. It looks like I ll have to move my door everything is tight in that side of the sugarhouse.That can wait till later though. This saturday I will run over to Bascoms to get archboard,cement and bricks. I called all around the Albany area and Bascom had the best deal on Splits.It is also a fun trip to make I ushally make it there and back before anyone knows that im gone. Well its been 2 hours so I ll have to go back over and make sure that the evaporator is ok- Super sappy

09-10-2007, 06:50 PM
sound good ss. i finally had a good thing happen today the race in malvern granted me fastest time on thew 6 lap run 4mins 37 sec.man was i happy to see that big shiny trophy.

09-11-2007, 04:53 AM
supersappy- Its pretty nice to look at that evap isnt it. If you brick that yourself can you give me some pointers. Im going to have to do the same thing, mine is a maplepro to. Theron

09-11-2007, 07:01 AM
We're still putting up wood. I think I got plenty for 08, hope this stuff will be for 09! Gotta clean out the popple, tamarack and other "junk" wood out of 3 lots. Standing dead stuff goes into the house wood pile; green stuff gets split fine and stacked behind the sugarhouse.

It goes pretty fast, as long as I can get someone to do the felling for me. The older boys are working or in school, and my wife doesn't like felling trees. Unfortunately, due to health problems, I can only drive the tractor skidding out the hitches. My Amish buddy felled for 2 days for me, and we got out 25 face cords.

09-11-2007, 09:01 PM
I think I finally figured out the pictures, these are from a little while ago. Ill get some new ones as I go if you guys want to see them. Theron

09-12-2007, 02:54 PM
Very nice sugarhouse and a nice woods too.

09-12-2007, 03:17 PM
Looks good.

Not sure what I'd do if I had trees on a real hill side. Get that vacuum pump set up soon.

09-12-2007, 04:00 PM
Very nice setup. Better make sure you put some kind of spark arrestor on stack to advoid burning down the woods and possibly the sugarhouse. You may be ok as long as you don't have forced air, but with that, you would probably need something.

Beautiful sugarhouse and a very nice setup and workmanship!

09-12-2007, 09:14 PM
Thanks a lot for the compiments guys, Ive been reading your discussions on here for quite some time and have learned a ton from it. The compliments really mean a lot. Im probobly going to need a lot of advice in the spring and appreciate all your help. Id been thinking about that spark arrestor too, Think I aught to just get one or run a test boil this winter and see how it is? Theron

09-12-2007, 10:42 PM
Nice looking sugar house well done.


09-13-2007, 05:52 AM
Theron-very nice looking woods! And it all runs to the sugarhouse!!,,that makes it ideal,,the craftsmanship is evadent in the sugarhouse,,
If you come across some cheap vacuum equipment that does not break the bank,,you wont regret getting it,,and you dont HAVE to run it if your having a hard time keeping up with boiling,,
For a spark arrestor on my evaporator I have a piece if 1/4" construction mesh between the stack base and the evaporator-I have heard of people putting the mesh on the top of the stack,,but I am not sure how you would clean it,,I can take the clean out door off the back of the rig and bang the screen a few times and the ashes-soot falls off

09-13-2007, 09:16 AM
I have a question concerning portable saw mills! What so they charge to come to your lot and saw up boards?? I have a friend who says there one guy who charges 25 cents a board ft!!!!!! Is this high??? I think he said it would cost over $3.00 to have a 2x4x8 made......Thanks for any info....

09-13-2007, 11:31 AM
It does seem like alot epecially if you have the logs skidded out and ready to go. I paid a neighbor $0.16 cents a board ft to cut mine (Poplar and hemlock). Now keep in mind he is retired and I helped off load and stack boards. I heard of guys charging differently for the type of wood and whether or not they are roadside trees (more chances of nails) etc.

09-13-2007, 01:53 PM
Hi Mike, just talked to a guy at work and they paid 17 cents a board foot. he said the guy was straight out.


09-13-2007, 06:46 PM
I cut 12-15 thousand BF of pine for someone this summer and the guy sawing it up for him was 200/thousand. And he'd saw up anything in the pile even 6" stuff.

Anyone looking for pine boards can get them from the saw mill I got mine from. Stuck and banded in units roughly 900 BF - 1200 BF and $160.00 per unit was the last I paid for them. Mostly all 10" &12" boards and 12'-16'.

You can't cut your own wood that cheap.

Fred Henderson
09-13-2007, 06:47 PM
17 a bd ft would be $170 a thousand and that is pretty fair if you were to ask me. I hauled a few hemlock to a guy and he got $165 a thousand for soft wood.

09-14-2007, 05:09 PM
My dad and I paid $ 165 per thousand or 16.5 cents per board foot when I built my sugarhouse and he built his house. The guy sawed about 30,000 feet of lumber for both, the majority going to my dad's house.

Russell Lampron
09-14-2007, 06:24 PM
I paid 18 cents a board foot when I built my sugarhouse in 2000 and most guys around here getting 24 cents a board foot now. The lumber Matt is talking about is a good deal if you are anywhere near Buxton ME.


09-16-2007, 01:09 PM
Took a drive todayt to a number of hillsides that I have been eying for trees but came out thouroughly disgusted... mostly those **** oaks... great south facing slopes and nothing but crap in them... still looking for "THEE" Sugarbush... hoping for around 300 trees on tubing when I do find it... I put an add in Craiglist for leasing trees ... see if anyone grabs at it.

super sappy
09-16-2007, 04:55 PM
Got the new arch bricked today. Went to the trader one time for some help on the slope at the rear of the arch near the stack plate. (thanks maple hill and 802 Maple.) I had a chat with bruce Bascome yesterday on trying to make my stack leak free. He had a silicone free solution that I am going to try.It will cost $ but I hate rust. and when he suggested it,It really seemed to make sense to use a larger stack once you clear your roof line that will slide over the outside the roof jack, then water will shed to the outside of the jack etc... Ps. The maple pro went so much easyer than the leader arch. It seemed like every cutoff had a home in some other part of the arch. I was amazed how many cuts that I did not have to make.Out of 80 bricks I had only a handfull of waste. -Jeff

09-16-2007, 09:12 PM
they get .50 a BF here.. it sucks.. I need to find some place much cheaper.

Cord wood is outrageous too!!

09-16-2007, 09:24 PM
I had a busy day, put up over 300 pints for an order. still working on cutting up more slabs for the evaporator.

09-17-2007, 06:22 PM
Jim- how much is cordwood down there?? I thought you were getting into the biz when you bought that splitter?? Make the BIG $$$ :)

09-17-2007, 08:24 PM
Parker I have seen as low(not low enough)as 145 and as high as 215 it's awefull, I heat the house with wood and boil with oil... How Ironic is that... or better yet how screwed up is that LOL

09-18-2007, 04:10 AM
$145 a cord is pretty cheap for green wood (if it is a full cord) and $215 is pretty cheap for dry,,,,,there is a whole lot of expenses in making a cord of wood,,,$160 for green and $225 -$250 for dry around here,,,I have a wood processor and have been selling most of the hardwood I cut for pulp instead of turning it into firewood at the above prices,,

09-18-2007, 06:25 AM
Our prices around here are about the same as Parkers and we have an unending supply. I'm surprised that it isn't more in Mass.

09-18-2007, 06:53 PM
went back over to NH today to get more syrup and some other supplies. Bulk prices have gone up and will only go higher. good thing it's the time of year I sell less volume for more $. Lots of little bottles or glass, price point is up a bit on the smaller sizes. So I'm living in the saphouse for the next couple days. Cold weather has brought out the mice, thanks to my stupid neighbors corn. In sealed plastic containers that the mice can't get in. I told him to get metal, the mice are chewing through the plastic. He was not compelled to abide by my wishes, so..... I'm catching lots of mice in traps and tossing them over there where the corn is. Maybe he'll get the message!

3% Solution
09-19-2007, 07:24 PM
Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd stop by to say "HI".
Nope, woodshed isn't full yet, but it is cut and stacked outside and covered.
Picked up some copper pipe for the steam-away, now that stung a bit.
Where can I pickup a blower for this unit?
Leader is like getting them made of gold or something.
I checked in Grainger and it was a bit more than half compared to Leader.
Where else can I look?
Thanks for the help.
One more thing, does anyone know who was working the NH Maple booth at the Big-E today??
Thanks again!!


Valley View Sugarhouse
09-19-2007, 09:31 PM
3% find a old hot air furnace with the round cage blower.... they work great put a turn dial dimmer light switch on it to control the speed and you are off.. I got one once from a oil co that did boiler repair they replaced the boiler and let me have the blower if i took it out..

09-20-2007, 04:46 AM
I would buy a fan speed control unit like they use on ceiling fans a light dimmer is not designed to handle motor loads. You will get a longer life and better peformance.

09-20-2007, 07:22 AM
Lowes carries a 5amp ceiling fan controller for $ 10 that works great.

09-20-2007, 10:01 AM
Anyone working the maple booths at the Big E this weekend, I'll be there tomorrow night at the Mass Maple Booth, maybe be making candy and cream again who knows, I'm not very good at the cotton candy though(too sticky)

09-24-2007, 04:19 AM
Slowly gaining on the woodshed,,think I have around 20 cords in now,,the other 20 has been here the bulk of the summer but someof that needs to be cut,,all of it needs to be split,,planning on spending this weekend right at it,,at least get it worked up,,,have a friend with a sawmill bringing by 3 big loads of slabs for back up,,dont want to run out like last year.
Havent made any progress on the intes-o-fire conversion,,,gotta get the wood in first.

09-24-2007, 04:41 AM
Parker- How much wood does it take you to get through the season normally? Is the intensofire conversion a do it yourself deal or are you replacing your arch with a different one? When I priced my evap I think to get an insulated one was a ton more money. Im thinking it was almost double the cost. Theron

09-24-2007, 04:45 PM
had another profitable weekend at the farmers markets. cold weather and leaves turning get people thinking about winter and stocking up on syrup. brought another 2 cords home today, got to split it tomorrow. still have not started with hanging tubing, cold weather and leaves turning gets me thinking about firewood!

09-25-2007, 06:02 AM
Theron- last year I burned around 40 cords (very inefficiant),,,802 maple came over to my place this summer and showed me how to turn my arch into a kind of intens-o-fire (thanks agine),,,I would like to do the modifications very much,,just a question of time and money,,,I think the upgrade would make a world of diffrance,,,,less time in the sugarhouse boiling=more time in the woods fixing=more syrup,,,,,,,and burning less wood would be nice.

09-25-2007, 08:16 PM
Parker- Sounds like that upgrade will be nice when you get it done. Youll have to keep us posted how it works becouse if you guys come up with something that works real good for not a lot of money ill bet a lot of people would be interested in that. At least your going into a perfect time to do the wood. Good luck , youll have to get us a picture of your woodpile. Thats got to be a heck of a pile. Theron

09-26-2007, 10:13 AM
Just got back late last night from the Moose hunt. Great trip and got a nice bull Monday night. Temps were not in our favor, much warmer than I'd like to see but even though there was ice on the puddles Monday morning. Bull was 677 pounds field dressed without heart and liver. Had a very interesting rack, one side was only a drop tine that covered his right eye, really weird.

I called him in from about 450 yards out through a huge clear cut, got him into about 175 yards and my buddy got him right behind the ears. Stopped him in his tracks like a sack of you know what.

I converted myself into a human tripod for a gun rest.

I am sure glad we brought my tractor up there, made hauling him out a piece of cake. We'd still be up there getting him out if not. Nice country up there, but we only saw two moose pre dawn crossing rt 1, and nothing during scouting saturday or sunday or monday, except this guy monday evening.

andrew martin
09-26-2007, 08:11 PM
I just received my LL Bean HOME Magazine today, and I was flipping through it, and I love their breakfast gift baskets (syrup, jelly, pancake mix, etc.). But who in the world is going to pay $45.00 for a half gallon of Grade A Medium? THat is out of sight, and they want $25.00 for a quart, and all this in plastic jugs, and with their name on it of course. I know a name is worth something, but this pricing is ridiculous. Comments??


09-26-2007, 08:24 PM
It is LL Bean. Goes straight to the recycled center, I don't even bother to open a catalog.

maple flats
09-26-2007, 09:23 PM
LL Beans has a following and they can fetch those prices. Just think of it this way, they are getting syrup out there and inflating the price, this is good for the rest of us in helping get our prices up too, even thou we can't even dream of getting those prices. Most people who buy at these prices are shopping for gifts and not for their own groceries, gifts always fetch higher prices.

andrew martin
09-27-2007, 06:05 AM
Maple Flats,

The gift pricing scenario makes sense, I just find it truly amazing what having a recognizable name attached (consumer brand name recognition) to a product can do to a product's price. Hopefully one of these days, my name will be worth that much, then I can retire early and only make syrup and read lots of books - HA!!


09-27-2007, 07:27 AM
Bean's is going to feel at little more pressure up here since Cabela's is building a huge complex in Scarborough. They have a nice store, but prices generally are pretty high, but one thing with Bean's is the customer service and return/exchange policy. In the past they were the pioneers of letting people rip them off with returns. That has since changed, but for some reason they have a heck of a following, worldwide. I know a bunch of people that work there and it is amazing the product they sell. They definately do have name recognition. Personally I don't shop there. But I can't wait for cabela's to open up.

I thought that I heard somewhere that Strawberry Hill in Skowhegan was supplying them with syrup. I could be wrong though. That would be a nice account to have.

09-27-2007, 07:39 AM
You would be shocked when you saw how much syrup is shipped out of L.L. Bean daily.
I have been down to The Big-E for the last few weeks and making candy and cream for the Vt Maple Sugarmakers. We have have been selling all products, and people will pay the price. We have turned out about 4 ton of candy and cream ,1 1/2 ton of cotton candy and that is just us, New Hampshire,Massachussetts and sugarmakers from Maine are also moving product.

Maple is still selling strong even at so called inflated prices, like I have said on here in several threads don't sell yourself short as people want your product. If it is not selling and it is a good product like maple is if it produced right, then the problem is in your marketing not your price, especially if you are below 40 dollars per gallon.

09-27-2007, 07:43 AM
Strawberry hill could be doing it, but Butternut in Vermont had it at one time I believe.

09-27-2007, 11:03 AM
how long is the big e on, through this weekend?

09-27-2007, 11:53 AM
Yes, it is all done Sunday.

Dave Y
09-27-2007, 04:46 PM
LL Bean caters to the volvo out door crowd. you know the ones. they hike all weekend build a campfire at night. Have never taken anything off the land that they couldnt fit in there head. More money than brains. you know the type. I'm sure you all have one for neigbors

09-27-2007, 05:09 PM
Oh I have more than one, a matter of fact we all do, and they are ready to unload all that money because dad and mom gave it to them to get them out of their hair. Most of them never worked a day in there lives. They think we are unintelligent, that is where I draw the line and start reaching in their wallets and take alittle out for me by not selling my product to cheap.

andrew martin
09-27-2007, 07:30 PM
Woahh, I think you guys are a little hyped up on oversimplifications and stereotypes. I will wear LL Bean anyday. I will take LL Bean canvas pants anyday over Carhart, and I have LL Bean jackets for my employees. It is all about the quality, and that's from a blue collar guy with a Master's Degree who drives a Chevy..


09-27-2007, 08:55 PM
I think Dave Y was talking more about the type that hang out at the natural food co-ops and such. The parking lot is packed with volvos, jettas and saabs. Those kind of people. When I deliver syrup there, I fear being struck by lightning as I approach the door. Besides my bib overhauls and John Deere hat, I definately don't fit in with my pickup with no exhaust and brake lights that work only when the light turns green.

For alot of them people, mother earth is there god. Most of them are on the extreme left and hate America. Heck, those are the type that have friends at Columbia university and invite a terrorist in for a speaker. If ammdidajob is so good, then they should move to Iran.

If anyone complains of paying too much, I just tell them that the food coop is making more on it than I am and to take it up with them. If they still don't like that, then i politely tell them to find some trees and make it themselves and then tell me if I am making too much.

Dave Y
09-27-2007, 09:54 PM
You hit the nail on the head , Mark. If you want to spend your hard earned blue collar money at LL Bean thats up to you. But they arent looking for you. your pockets arent deep enough. I can buy same thing Bean sells else wear for less.

09-27-2007, 10:30 PM

That is so picture perfect of a description. In fact when we go out hunting we look like a rag tag bunch, but we know what we are doing and are successful with 1/1000 of the gear. Then you run into someone that is outfitted to the hilt and can't figure out how to load a gun.

We have a saying for these guys, Straight from Beans.... It is just too funny.

We called in the moose using trash, old coffee can and a raw hide shoelace. Works slick. But you can't buy that at beans, but they will sell you some bugles and junk that wouldn't even call in a novice hunter to your set.

But, my wife does have a volvo....

09-27-2007, 10:48 PM
You've gotta be careful judging people by how they dress and what they drive. Monday to Friday I drive a desk with a computer and wear a tie. Weekends I've got on a beat up camo hat, torn coveralls and work the bush and hunt to keep myself sane. If you saw me at one place you'd never be able to picture me at the other.

That being said - I love nothing better than to separate someone who doesn't have a clue about working the land from their money in exchange for some of our syrup!

09-28-2007, 01:06 AM
I don't think it is judging as much as it is being observant.

09-28-2007, 05:11 AM
Hey we all know that Bean does a great job marketing their name and like I said earlier we should follow their example to get the highest prices for our product. There are people willing to pay for it.

I have to agree with Matt and others that there are other products from much cheaper stores or even the dump around the country that will stand head to head with theirs. Hell I was given a jacket from L.L.Bean for a gift once and it didn't hold up to welding any better than my Walmart jacket.

andrew martin
09-28-2007, 08:00 PM
Oh, but my pockets are deep enough - my parents paid for my college education; but not to get me out of their hair, but so I could have a good quality education, run my own business, perform public service and contribute to the GDP.

It sounds as if markcasper has a conflict of interest - selling syrup to people he doesn't like - through the natural foods store. I guess as long as you get their money, it's OK to not like them, right??? I grew up in the Catskills, so I am familiar with "kind of people" you refer to, but it seems some of your conclusions based on "observation" are really without a lot of interpersonal knowledge, just conclusions based on stereotypes and casual interaction. I would say that your so-called observations really are veiled judgments. Phrases such as "those kind of people" are sweeping judgmental statements that are full of preconceived bias.

When I grew up in NY State, I was led to believe that Northerners were not racist, yet from these e-mails, it sounds as if to some degree a different type of "racism" exists that is a problem for some - namely, classism.

Just some thoughts.


Dave Y
09-28-2007, 09:06 PM
O k so some of us would spend our money at Bean's and some of us won't.
Some of us like dark syrup and some of us gotta make light. we are all different
don't mean we have to agree. To me thats o k we all have our opinions.
Don't make any of us right or wrong. and Andrew if you want to spend your money at LL go ahead I'm happy for you. I just like mine to go a little further than thier products will take me.

09-28-2007, 09:54 PM
Andrew you are not at all what i am referring to, you got an education and built a business and you are contributing. I know from experience, as myself and my family have sold property to couples 20 to 25 years old that have turned around and built 1.5 million dollar homes, that this wasn't money that they have made in their short lives. And they will admit that they are trust funders, so what is wrong with that? Absolutely nothing, I wish I was that lucky, but I wasn't and I will get up every day and continue to work. What I was saying is that they are the people that one has to concentrate on to sell your product at a price that will allow you continue to profit. You being a business owner must most certainly understand that there are target groups that are more likely to buy your product than others.
This world is getting awfully narrow minded to consider a person being a racist of sorts, just because he points out what the majority of customers are at a certain store be it LL Bean, Cabellas or Walmart.

Lets turn this thread back into what it should be talking about and that is sugaring and general info as to what we are doing in the so called off season of sugaring and Matts tin can moose call that he got from maxwell house and a pair of old boots. Thats what we really need to hear more about.

super sappy
09-29-2007, 05:21 AM
Matt- Can you post a pic of the tin can moose call? If you could also include a pic of yourself wearing a LL bean jacket and calling moose with the tin can call, that would be great. Some friends are going moose hunting and are interested. -SUPER SAPPY

09-29-2007, 06:48 AM
Are they leaving soon?

I am heading to the fair today. And won't be back. here is the Secret set up, known only to 3 people in the world, now thousands will be successful.

Take a big metal coffee can, like the gallon ones maybe, not sure the size but the big ones. You can use the smaller ones but big ones have the deeper grunt. Then drill a hole in the middle of the bottom of the can, just big enough to get a piece of square raw hide through. Take a piece of raw hide say 18-24 inches long and slide one end through the bottom of the can. Tie a knot in it. then tie a knot in the other end, basically so you can't pull it through either way. soak the rawhide for at least 24 hours before you put it in the can. Then as you have it out and using it, keep a bottle of water(must be poland spring-others won't work :-) You can always dump some water inside the can and pull the rawhide through into the can for storage and will keep it moist.

Keep the raw hide wet. Then when you are in your spot, take the lid off the can, and hold the coffee can under your arm, say left arm, and you are going to hold the raw hide between your thumb and first finger on your right hand, squeeze tight and rip on it. You'll get a WWuuuHHH, sound. Give it a few tugs and wait, just like deer grunting, but this time of year you can be a bit more aggressive. You don't want full strokes of the rawhide, so you'd be getting WWWuuuuuuuHHHH, just short bursts so you end up with WuuH, WWuuHH. Sometimes you really got to squeeze the Pi$$ out of the rawhide and tug for all your worth. If your not getting sound wet the rawhide more.

For a deeper grunt, take the rawhide and weave it around your first finger. So now when you pull it you are getting friction between your thumb and first finger and middle finger.

Then another trick you can do is if you got one close, put the lid back on and do the same thing. It will deafen the sound and will help on close moose. On a cold morning you'd be surprised how far that can will rip out sound.

Then if they don't already know, you can do a simple mouth call for a cow in heat. Just cup your hands around your mouth, and press your nose closed with your two first fingers, then try to say WAAAAA, WAA. Mix that up between the can and Bingo, another dead moose.

You may have to translate a bit if you are too close to the northern boarder since some of those swamp donkeys are use to hearing french!! Have fun.

Guarenteed to work. Best 5 bucks you can spend on a moose hunt. Throw away the bugles they sell.

Gotta go be a carnie now, the fair is calling.

09-29-2007, 07:41 AM
what none of you guys going deer hunting or has your season started yet went out dismorning with my bow and got a shot at a 12 point but missed(hated myself for it) but going to go out again this evening

09-29-2007, 10:37 AM
MK our season starts on the 1st of oct. The youth hunt was last weekend and my nephews bagged an 11 point and a 3 pointgod for them. I wasn't planning to take time off but I got my lay-off notice on Fri from the State oF Michigan. If there is no state buget by Sun 11:59 don't come too work Mon. Man it sucks when you get caught up in the politcal machinery, those clowns have had 8 months to get their job done and now look at the mess we are in. If I blew off my job I would have been written up or worse. Come next election I will be very carfull here I place my vote.

09-29-2007, 06:43 PM
I don't know Matt it sounds like you were up to no good to find that trick, I would really like to know how you got this dead nuts?

09-30-2007, 05:10 AM
Got another 4 cords in the sugarhouse yesterday,,GAINING!!! I was planning on logging or trucking corn today,,,,,,but it sure is nice weather to work up sugarwood and we dont have much time left,,I have a bunch of 2 year old pine chunks by the woodprocessor-yard crane,,kinda in the way,,been wanting to get them picked up anyways
think I am going to put a box fan in the woodshed blowing on the rows during this dry weather,the stuff is pretty dry but every littel bit helps,
Took the syrup pan off of Marvin yesterday and started planning the upgrades,,think I can swing it,,
Now if I could just get water-elec. run to the sugarhouse this fall I would be golden,,,hope everyone is enjoying this weather as much as I am...

09-30-2007, 05:36 AM
Finally got the trees down at the sugarhouse. We had three big old maples by the sugarhouse that were in pretty sad shape. A few limbs already came off and hit the roof. So with the skidder and some fancy cutting we got them down. Now we have to put back up the main lines and reposition the tanks and we willl be set. Also got some of the wood ready to go into the woodshed. I got a real good start and should have a full shed by snow fly. I might take the day to do some hunting around here. Or should I say take my rifle for a walk looking for bear. Bow season starts next weekend probably should throw a few arrows at a target soon.

09-30-2007, 07:30 AM
I had a moment to take a look at your pictures. Wow you took on quite a project with that building that needed foundation work! Nice shots in the sugarhouse. Very nice sugarhouse. Yes lots of wood required to keep that rig making syrup!

10-01-2007, 03:37 AM
Chris, Yeah that was quite a project. The building in the pictures is actually our hunting camp. Its been in that spot for over 30 yrs. The kitchen was starting to separate from the main camp and one of the bunk rooms was also starting to leave the camp. So we started with a small hole in the floor to see what kind of trouble we had and bingo out came the floor. You will be happy to know that its all back together and almost finished. Good thing too Bow season starts the 6th of Oct. But we have plenty of time to finish up. Hopeing to get more pictures of the sugarhouse soon.