View Full Version : Thinking about a Leader Micro 125

09-17-2018, 01:39 PM
As part of my downsizing I am kicking around the idea of getting this single post unit. Does anyone have any first hand experience with the micro or micro2? I dont see a whole lot of reviews out there. It looks like the feed pump and high pressure pumps are identical in the photos. It would be used for 3-400 taps on vac and my 2x8. I assume there is no recirculation pump at this price.

09-17-2018, 08:05 PM
I’m surprised you aren’t looking at a deer run unit since you are so close to them.

09-18-2018, 05:02 AM
I had one of Ray's 375 units and it did great. The noise of the piston pump drove me crazy, though. I was just at Ray's yesterday to pick up my tank from the auction.

09-18-2018, 05:05 AM
I have been examining photos of the micro and I see the pumps are a Shakti SH pump made in India. I figured they would be from China. That's good news to me because I would rather have something made in India over junk from China.

09-19-2018, 05:20 PM
i can get you a 125 gal/hr vertical 120 volt for $4275 and a 250 gal/hr for $5175

09-23-2018, 08:39 PM
I had 250 taps on vacuum 50 taps on buckets and bags I have a MES dolly 300gph with a 2x6 with max pan I boiled 4 hours start to finish. If I remember I think I paid $5300 for it. I’d go with a 300gph ro if you are going with 300 to 400 taps on vacuum.

09-23-2018, 09:09 PM
Thanks for the info but I am specifically asking about the 125 micro. I know my trees and have had both a 375 and 600 ro on this vac system (20-23 hg, not high vac). The 125 micro can be converted to a 250 with an additional post.

09-24-2018, 07:45 AM
As part of my downsizing (and getting rid of my 600 D&G RO) I am kicking around the idea of getting this single post unit. Does anyone have any first hand experience with the micro or micro2? I dont see a whole lot of reviews out there. It looks like the feed pump and high pressure pumps are identical in the photos. It would be used for 3-400 taps on vac and my 2x8. I assume there is no recirculation pump at this price.

While I haven't run one in my operation we have sold dozens of both the 1 and 2 post micros since they came out and haven't gotten any negative feedback about them. Everyone seems to be really happy with them. You are correct about both pumps being identical, and it does not have a re-circulation pump. The one thing to consider is that the micro's are 220 volt not 120 so you might have to run a new electrical line back to the breaker box.

Sunday Rock Maple
09-25-2018, 01:07 AM
I can't speak to that model but can unequivocally say that Leader's RO service (should you need it) is outstanding.

09-27-2018, 03:55 AM
The 125: 0.5GPM at 6% and total flow at 1.75 GPM(permeate + conc)
The 250: 0.5GPM at 8% and total flow at 2.125 GPM (permeate + conc)

They have been good sellers and the value holds. I have been considering one for our rinse water. At the end of the day we end up with a lot of sweetwater that we boil back down to syrup. If you get one, maybe I could lease it from you the rest of the year, Heus? :)

09-27-2018, 04:47 AM
I know you've asked about the Leader micro, but I'll risk your ire by posting a few comments about Rays' stuff. I have the electric 125 Ray makes. Its upgradable to 250, uses 9 amps of 220, has recirculation valve (not pump), has a 2HP main pump, and works pretty good. Mine has lasted 6 seasons so far on the original membrane with no problems. I think (but don't know this!) that Ray is closer to you than to me, but I haven't needed to go there for service, so can't comment on that. It produces just like Ray says it does. And, as far as I know, its more than a few bucks cheaper.
I know there's lots of leader 125s out there now, and it'd be nice to hear how they've worked so far.
take care, Mark

09-27-2018, 06:20 AM
As I stated previously, I have owned one of Ray's units. It worked fine but the piston pump is way too loud in the sugarhouse.

09-27-2018, 06:21 AM
The 125: 0.5GPM at 6% and total flow at 1.75 GPM(permeate + conc)
The 250: 0.5GPM at 8% and total flow at 2.125 GPM (permeate + conc)

They have been good sellers and the value holds. I have been considering one for our rinse water. At the end of the day we end up with a lot of sweetwater that we boil back down to syrup. If you get one, maybe I could lease it from you the rest of the year, Heus? :)

Thank you OLJ