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09-13-2018, 08:06 AM
I have access to food grade plastic barrels... I’d like to use for collecting & storage.... I have a 45hp 4wd tractor pulling a trailer is there a way to connect them?? To make like 1 tank to fill & empty... thanks

09-13-2018, 04:58 PM
Are you asking if it's possible to connect multiple barrels together to make one large tank? If so then yes it's possible. Are they closed barrels with bungs or open top? If they are the ones with the bungs then lay them on their sides and connect them with some flexible hose from bung to bung then vent the last one. That way the sap will flow from barrel to barrel as The first one fills up.

Haynes Forest Products
09-13-2018, 07:01 PM
Why would you want to store the sap min the same tanks as you collect in? I guess its to simple a question to answer in one sentence...........WHAT. So you want to collect and then store in the same connected barrels on your tractor and then when you empty them you will do what? have empty storage barrels or collecting barrels? Crap I'm getting confused.

09-14-2018, 07:17 AM
Lol yes 1 big tank... 1 for collection & 1 for storage.... sorry to get people confused... I possibly could use the same tank system for both.... I had 22 taps on buckets last year... I wanna x2 that at least... making a OTE... also building a lean 2 to cook under for now. The barrels I get come from a dairy & they usually had some type of peroxide cleaner in it.... I’ll take all the advice ya got on building a OTE THANKS

09-14-2018, 07:18 AM
Sorry for getting you confused I just want to connect multiple barrels to make one tank and I want to use a set of barrels for collection and set a barrel for storage...

Haynes Forest Products
09-14-2018, 07:59 AM
OK getting closer. First consider keeping single barrels as singles so you can not dirty 2 barrels with a small sap run. Once you cut holes in them and connect them they are hard to re purpose. Putting a bottom drain in a barrel will always leave sap to spoil so I would consider making them your collection tanks that you will hose out every night and look for a good bottom sump tank to use as bulk storage. I know I know but CHUCK why cant I just do it like I see on moonshiners........because its fake crap and you want the best tank you will ever have.

Now you just opened yourself up to a can of whoop *** on the Peroxide.:o