View Full Version : Ya'll come 2007 !!!

08-28-2007, 07:15 AM
To all the Mapletraders!!!
Rick Syrupmaker is having his Ya'll come party again this coming weekend, He asked me to add this in so Ya'll can go to it..... Food, Camping, AWESOME Fireworks show on Sunday... it's a long weekend try to make it there... the usual traders such as Myself, Joe Mapleking, Syrupmaker and sometimes others from around, Father and son from PA dropped in one year... its a great time , as soon as Rick is able to log on again He will fill in the details.... We drive 7 hours to get there and I wouldn't miss it.. it's my 4th or 5th year going, what a blast, dirtbikes/atv's welcome also...

any questions call my Cell # 413-246-2813, now or on the weekend when I'm there for directions... Eden NY just below Buffalo NY


08-28-2007, 07:33 PM
The king will be there with some top secert maple food. You will all have to show up if you want some.

09-01-2007, 08:16 PM
Have a great time guys! Drive safely!

09-04-2007, 11:32 AM
Just wanted to say thanks to Jim, for the directions and also to Rick and his crew for a terrific shin dig there in Eden. I had a BLAST!! After going to "YAll Come 2007" I couldnt imagine a better place to spend labor day weekend. An absolutley super group of people! To anyone that was thinking about going this year, go directly to your calendar and mark it in INK for next year. The Fireworks were Amazing, This is no backyard fireworks display this is the REAL DEAL. Thanks again guys!!!!!!!!!!!


09-04-2007, 11:56 AM
Jason it was great meeting you there, This was my 5th year there and I wouldnt miss it for the world... Rick and his family (seems like an endless amount of them)put on a heck of a weekend. and every year they seem to out do themselves.... plus everyone that comes seems to contribute to the fun more and more every year, Cousin Davey put on a treasure hunt for the kids with a burried treasure box, an old treasure map, and they even had pirates wear for the kids... had to be near 25 kids that went on the hunt... way cool. everyone feels at home and part of the family... I know that I may not have grown up with all of them but we ARE family now!! I set up the BIG screen for the outdoor movies I provide every year, some disney one for the kids and WILD HOGS for the adults... this year you could watch it from where ever you were sitting or standing even at the campfire!!And Yes the fireworks are the real thing ... Rick is a part time/full time pyrotechnic and does many many BIG shows... and this years was stupendous!!! the show went flawlessly ! with some 8"shells that had to go a half mile or more up and the spread was spectacular... Jason got to witness one shot off standing only maybe 20+yards from the tube... I don't think I saw a bigger smile on someone in a while!!!

Next we go to the Adirondaks for the so called "hunting trip"

Rick Thanks !!!! Ya'll are the best!!

09-04-2007, 12:02 PM
AHA HA HA, I figured out my log in problem with some help from Mapleman3 Jim.
Definately a great weekend for a YA'LL COME party ,No rain lots of sun (and dust) very dry over this way all summer. When we set our motor tubes in for the 8" shells it was dry and dusty down 3'.

Tons of food as usuall with folks everywere. Cousin Davey found a piece of a map that looked like it might be for a hidden treasure chest, He had at least 30 kids and adults on a treasure hunting spree that took them to a spot were they found the other half of the map that sure enough led to the burried treasure. Gold coins, A pair of pirate glasses, and a gold genie lamp that belched out blue smoke.

Decided to do an all electric fireworks show this year. We all gathered at the parking lot with the fireing panel and shot the show from 1300 feet away. Jim and Joe had a turn pushing some of the show and Blackstrapking (Jason) who stopped by for the day had the honor of pushing the HOLY CRAP button that started the 340 shot finnally with an 8" draping willow shell that dang near touched the ground before it went out.

The weekend sure flys by when you get everyone together like that, 3-4 days is never enough time to spend with a great group of folks. Need to make it a 3 - 4 week deal. What a brain cell killing event that would be. Thanks to all that showed and all the guys that helped with the set up and clean up of the pyro show. It sure makes a difference when you have extra hands for clean up. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves and plan on doing it again next year with my family and freinds.


09-05-2007, 02:38 PM
Sorry I missed it but work sent me to Puerto Rico for two weeks. We worked straight through and averaged 85 hours a week. The food was good but didn't have much chance to see much except I didn't find one maple tree anywere. Glad you all had a good time!
Take care, Al

09-05-2007, 03:06 PM
So Al.... hows chances we get a drive by from you in the Adirondaks again?? we are looking at Oct 19,20,21 what a ya say??? food... beer...food... more beer!!!

09-07-2007, 12:13 PM
SO CALLED HUNTING TRIP ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Every year we go I come home with a nice trophy, (an empty cooler)
Fishing from the cooler is a great sport, practicing catch and release of the contents of the can or bottle. Just a great weekend to get together have a few brews, eat and B.S. about everything and nothing.Visit with the locals and sight see the area. Always room, there is only 76,000 acres in the area we go, but we could find room for a small group. Saddle up folks and we can meet in the north country.

09-07-2007, 05:44 PM
Yes and dont forget "hunting" for a good spot for a "cat Hole"

Russell Lampron
09-07-2007, 05:54 PM
"Cat Hole"?


09-07-2007, 06:05 PM
Hmmm, I think I will let you figure that one out... any ole Boy Scouts out there??? use you imagination.... and no it's not perverted.. keep your mind out of the gutter this is a family show LOL ;)

09-07-2007, 08:44 PM
Don't forget your jacket & tie. For the stuck-up bar in the middle of jerkwater USA will serve you a cold one.
Don't worry about them calling the cops on you. Cell phones don't work up their. And Rick backed over the only pay phone, for miles around.

09-11-2007, 11:34 AM
Sounds like my kind of "hunting trip" if brew and BS is involved. Two of my specialties!! Not sure of the "cat hole" but I may have an idea of what it may be.

09-11-2007, 06:20 PM
You guys going snipe hunting?

09-11-2007, 08:03 PM
one of my laest favorite hunting trips.

09-12-2007, 04:01 PM
In my defense of backing into the only pay phone in upstate adirondacks, if you guys could behave and not have me pi$$in my pants laughing, I would be able to see through he tears streaming down my face. OK OK so the beer (or the wine) didn't help either, see if I be designated driver ever again for you guys. Definately looking forward to that weekend. see ya's there. Don't forget the cold weather gear.

09-13-2007, 06:17 PM
sounds like you guys all had a great weekend and i sure hope someday to go and meet everyone.

i am quite curious about your adirondack hunting trip however. as someone who lives in the adirondacks and is an avid hunter, i maybe of some use to you guys as somewhat of a local tour guide. as for "catholes", not quite sure what you mean, but the sugarbush here is only minutes to the canidian border.

please let me know thre whereabouts of this trip if you guys maybe interested in some local guidance.

09-16-2007, 12:59 PM
We camp outside if lowville off number four road , kinda near stillwater res.

we would love to have anyone come up.. rain snow or shine we will be there.. unless there is FEET of snow like last year and Rick and Joe backed out .. something like overtime and thousands of dollars.. like thats more improtant than Beer and BS.. oh well

A cathole ... well lets say theres no restrooms in the forest..... so dig a hole and.......S&^t in it and cover... voila... a cat hole... but this year I am devising a new system(no it's not holding it in all weekend either) but you'll see(Rick how much for the porta potty guy )??? LOL

Maplekid.... whats the matter... you don't camp or BS with the guys?????

09-16-2007, 07:46 PM
lowville is in the heart of the adirondacks, however not quite far enough north to be into my neck of the woods. We are at the northern tip the adirondack park, minutes from canada.

I hope you enjoy your trip, i would of loved to had a chance to meet some of you.