View Full Version : Dropping in...

08-27-2007, 09:18 PM
Hey guys, I'm having a busy summer, so haven't been here much... was gonna try to catch up on the posts, but there are hundreds, so guess I have to skip 'em. Hope all is well with everyone, enjoy what's left of the summer.

08-27-2007, 09:30 PM
summer is gone for me and now starts school tomarow is my first day and then saturday starts squirrel season. the three thing i look forward to school,hunting season,sugarin

Russell Lampron
08-28-2007, 05:22 AM
Hey Pete glad to have you back. Did you get to Loudon this summer? It has been a good one so far. The Maples are looking nice and healthy with a lot of new growth. Should be a good sugaring season this year.


09-01-2007, 08:21 PM
MK, you are one strange young guy :) Very happy to know some young people are different, and in a good way. Me thinks you may have a very successful life.

Russ, I never got down, very disappointed... I started a new job first of June, and didn't think they'd be happy if I left on vacation before the end of June LOL. Starting a different new job in a week, so hope by next June will be able to take vacation.