View Full Version : stretching the truth in advertisig

Haynes Forest Products
08-23-2018, 10:19 PM
I have a customer that works for Voortman Bakery and when I'm in the area working and she sees me I get a bag of the latest and greatest cookies. So i'm looking at the labels when I run across these.


So I start looking around for the usual disclaimers or claims. So lets get started

1) There baked with real ingredient! See I was thinking that they might be baked with imaginary ingredients and the package was empty.

2) Natural Maple Flavor, But no where does it say it contains maple syrup or any byproduct of a maple tree. So how the hell do you get natural maple flavor without using maple syrup.

3) Doesn't contain high fructose corn syrup. Cool tha'ts good to know....its a cookie so I believe having a lot of corn syrup could be detrimental to the crispness.

4) Does contain sugar just not maple sugar

5) Has a very nice deceptive maple leaf bottle that appears to contain a brown liquid usually associated with Maple Syrup.

6) Half the label is in French and the company is from Canada so im thinking it has to have some sort of maple related ingredients.

7) I'm still struck by the fact that they contain natural flavors. Now I'm sitting hear wondering what is a natural flavor and as I'm contemplating this I look over at my dog and he is bent into a circle licking himself and it dawns on me that he is made up of all natural ingredients. so is that also all natural flavors.

Well I guess Ill have to try a few and I don't like them Ill toss a few Roxy's way.

08-24-2018, 05:50 AM
You and Roxy need to get some sleep. :)


Haynes Forest Products
08-24-2018, 07:41 AM
Well Spud your right after a good nights sleep it dawned on me that Roxy is indeed a girl. After posting I did try some of the cookies and they don't have any resemblance to "MAPLE" I tossed one to the dog and she gave it a cursory sniff and moved on.

In all seriousness if I was to pick one of these off a plate at a Fancy Smancy restaurant desert table I would not have any idea what it was suppose to taste like. If I was trying to explain what maple syrup tastes like this would not be it. NOW I couldn't tell you what an Orange or Cherry tastes like either because its impossible.

Heck What does Maple Syrup taste like? Take a small twig of a sweet tree and munch on it for a few minutes and tell me if it tastes like maple syrup! I think its BS that they get away with it. Common Roxy girl lets go for a Nature walk.

08-25-2018, 05:43 AM
If you and Roxy really want to know what REAL maple taste like just buy VERMONT maple syrup.:lol::lol::lol:
