Haynes Forest Products
08-16-2018, 02:31 PM
Not wanting to hijack the discussion an Leaking barrels I thought I would start this thread.
As GeneralStark stated WHO is to say what REAL bourbon barrel syrup should taste and look like? I have tried a few and really cant tell you if they tasted the same or one was better than the other. I love Cherry pie and make my own from being taught from my sister who made a pie a day for weeks on end as practice for a baking contest back in the 60's. She is no expert on how a Cherry pie should taste BUT she sure makes a great pie. Have you ever gotten a REAL Cherry pie from the store that was a gelatinous mess of red crud that had some resemblance of cough syrup. BLA BLA BLA Chuck get to the point........NO not till I make my point my way.
Take wine for instance I will be asked to pick up wine for dinner or what ever and I'm as dumb as they come when it comes to that task. I look like the lady walking the electric isle of Home Depot with a shopping list from their husbands. So you want a white wine but not a Chardonny and nothing from the east coast..................:o:o
Now it won't be long before someone dreams up a Fancy Smancy regulatory board that they get certified to be the final judge on what Bourbon barrel syrup should taste like. Or is it Bourbon barrel infused syrup? Wait did you age it or infuse it?? Ah Ah Ah not so fast there Billy how old was that barrel and you say you had some leakage..........................That won't fly around here.
I took some American Oak Infusion spirals the heavy ones. The ones that they use to infuse a 60 gallon drum and soaked them is some cheap Bourbon for 9 months. They recommend 6 weeks to fully absorb the wine.........Wait did you say wine YUP just playing around with what this beer maker gave me.
So this year as I was bottling up some personal bottles I cut the spirals into 2" long pieces from the Ziploc bags and put in pint mason jars and let them evaporate off any visible liquid and hot packed them.
I waited about 10 days and opened one and passed it around and Most people thought it was great others said whats the point? I sond a few without much explanation only that it had a Bourbon taste. Now let me very clear I have know idea how I would present the finished product because it wasn't aged. Wait I aged it 10 days that should count.............right. Now it wasn't bourbon barrel aged but it was infuse with bourbon from a new uncharred oak Spiral soaked in Bourbon. They were dry so I didnt add the Bourbon. So this is as clear as mud when it comes to what it should be as a finished product. I don't drink Spirits so I couldn't tell you what good or bad Bourbon should taste like I just know that all my friends.........OK 2 people I know think its good and that's a dang good track record that's like 100% satisfaction.
Because I started this thread I get to agree with GeneralStark that Does anybody really have the right to decide what the taste should be? I will add this little disclaimer about my intentions...........................I HAVE NONE just playing around for my own amusement and its working.
As GeneralStark stated WHO is to say what REAL bourbon barrel syrup should taste and look like? I have tried a few and really cant tell you if they tasted the same or one was better than the other. I love Cherry pie and make my own from being taught from my sister who made a pie a day for weeks on end as practice for a baking contest back in the 60's. She is no expert on how a Cherry pie should taste BUT she sure makes a great pie. Have you ever gotten a REAL Cherry pie from the store that was a gelatinous mess of red crud that had some resemblance of cough syrup. BLA BLA BLA Chuck get to the point........NO not till I make my point my way.
Take wine for instance I will be asked to pick up wine for dinner or what ever and I'm as dumb as they come when it comes to that task. I look like the lady walking the electric isle of Home Depot with a shopping list from their husbands. So you want a white wine but not a Chardonny and nothing from the east coast..................:o:o
Now it won't be long before someone dreams up a Fancy Smancy regulatory board that they get certified to be the final judge on what Bourbon barrel syrup should taste like. Or is it Bourbon barrel infused syrup? Wait did you age it or infuse it?? Ah Ah Ah not so fast there Billy how old was that barrel and you say you had some leakage..........................That won't fly around here.
I took some American Oak Infusion spirals the heavy ones. The ones that they use to infuse a 60 gallon drum and soaked them is some cheap Bourbon for 9 months. They recommend 6 weeks to fully absorb the wine.........Wait did you say wine YUP just playing around with what this beer maker gave me.
So this year as I was bottling up some personal bottles I cut the spirals into 2" long pieces from the Ziploc bags and put in pint mason jars and let them evaporate off any visible liquid and hot packed them.
I waited about 10 days and opened one and passed it around and Most people thought it was great others said whats the point? I sond a few without much explanation only that it had a Bourbon taste. Now let me very clear I have know idea how I would present the finished product because it wasn't aged. Wait I aged it 10 days that should count.............right. Now it wasn't bourbon barrel aged but it was infuse with bourbon from a new uncharred oak Spiral soaked in Bourbon. They were dry so I didnt add the Bourbon. So this is as clear as mud when it comes to what it should be as a finished product. I don't drink Spirits so I couldn't tell you what good or bad Bourbon should taste like I just know that all my friends.........OK 2 people I know think its good and that's a dang good track record that's like 100% satisfaction.
Because I started this thread I get to agree with GeneralStark that Does anybody really have the right to decide what the taste should be? I will add this little disclaimer about my intentions...........................I HAVE NONE just playing around for my own amusement and its working.