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maplenutter butter
08-15-2018, 02:22 PM
Christmas time is a huge part of my gross sales every year. I had a thought of making them even bigger. I am thinking about making a brochure and mailing it to every person in my home town, about 5000 people. In there would include all my products for sale and info. I could do free delivery. I know there's a lot of cost up front and logistics to work out, like payment and lead time and such. I'm fairly certain I could keep up if this works. Has anyone done this before and/ or do you think it would work?

Haynes Forest Products
08-15-2018, 04:21 PM
In a town of 5,000 people I would ware a company T shirt and get arrested and smile in the mug shot. OK just kidding but what are your costs to do it and how many statistically would actually read your mailing. Do you have a small town radio station.

Have you ever thought about throwing a pancake breakfast for the fire dept that always gets people talking........FREE FOOD

08-16-2018, 06:06 AM
i know personally i hate getting mail i never asked for in my mail box. it's gets thrown directly into the burn pile without me even looking at it... just my .02. i agree with haynes! radio broadcasting would work better and more than likely cost you less.

Chicopee Sap Shack
08-16-2018, 07:19 AM
You can do bulk mailers through the post office for cheep money. Doing a mailing with a Christmas discount will generate sales for sure

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

maplenutter butter
08-16-2018, 09:07 AM
I'll find out later today my cost for this idea. My hope is to make a 7-10% back on my investment. I do donate syrup to our local FFA group pancake breakfast and set up a booth there and sell as well. Thanks for the input guys. Will let you know if I decide to pull the trigger on this idea and if I do, how it turns out!