View Full Version : Pump houses

07-26-2018, 07:16 AM
Hi all

What are people thoughts on open versus covered pump houses. I have one and it’s enclosed and insulated but not heated. I am putting a larger tank back there in the fall and I have to either expand the building or tear it down and just build a shelter over it leaving it covered and exposed on 1 side. During last season I never had the valve freeze on me, but if it got cold enough long enough I’m sure it would freeze. I have visited several operations as part of summer tours and find a variety of setups. What are people doing to help preventing the valve from freezing ?

Thoughts ?

07-26-2018, 07:55 AM
I started using a tank plug this season on my bulk sap tank. It is in an enclosed shed but that's it. It worked very well as it allows the valve to be completely drained and left open. The CDL style I am using will only work in a round bottom tank, but I'm sure the concept could work in other style tanks.


07-27-2018, 07:06 PM
Our pump is located at the sugar house indoors. There are two collection tanks in the woods and each are in a sap shack. We use plugs at the opening of the tank and a ball valve down pipe. I drain the tank to the pump. Clean the tank. Drain it as much as I can and then put the plug in place. A few moments later I close the valve and drain the pipe leading from the valve.


Maple Man 85
07-27-2018, 09:22 PM
We built insulated pump houses with all the electrical done minus hooking up power. We had the power ran to the locations and we picked the houses with an excavator and drove them in and set them right where we needed them.