View Full Version : Re-purposing old syrup bottles.

07-21-2018, 02:00 PM
Each year, we have a few customers return their empty bottles to us for recycling. Since we do not re-fill used bottles, we came up with this instead. Some copper plumbing fittings, copper paint, a fiberglass wick, and some citronella oil. Our spin on the tiki torch.



07-22-2018, 06:22 AM
Those look awesome, I may have to borrow that idea as I only have a few outlets to play with for lighting.
Wonder if you could add coloring to make it look like you are burning syrup for fuel.:lol:

07-28-2018, 07:30 PM
....Wonder if you could add coloring to make it look like you are burning syrup for fuel.:lol: Hehe that would be priceless! Great way to repurpose bottles :-)