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View Full Version : Re configuring my 3X10 to lees flue pan

Haynes Forest Products
07-18-2018, 09:50 AM
So I think I have come up with a better idea for my 3x10 raised flue set up. Because I run my concentrate up to 18-20 I want to cut back on my flue pan and go with more finish pan. I have a 3rd 18" flat finish pan and decided to try a different approach to my set up. I built my arch and don't want to redo it or extend it because of room restrictions.

The plan is to sell the 7' raised flue pan and have a 5'5" drop flue made and make up a insulated box that will sit on the existing arch. The box will have the flue stack on it so the fire/gases will go under the 3 flat finish pans and then across and up the drop flues. One reason I want to go with drop flues is the ease of cleaning and draining.

I have spoken with Jim from Smoky Lake Maple Products and he has given me a quote on the custom set up that makes it a easy fit. The pan is to do away with the pan and both float boxes and come out of the flue pan and pipe the sweet over to the front of the arch and into a float box that mounts on the first finish pan.

Part of the reason I want to go with drop flues is the ease of cleaning and draining the pan. I have a raised flu pan that has 2" ports in all corners with butterfly valves piped straight down and over to a sump pit. I can fill the pan to the top with permeate and let it soak and power wash clean BUT I cant get the scum flakes to drain out. because of the dividers I just cant get them out. I can shop vac the pan clean but that is a major PITA. I gate starting out with a clean pans with sediment in all the flues.

Jim said he can plumb 1 1/2 cross over drain ports on both ends of the flues so I can get maximum cleaning/draining ability. So I guess its time to start mailing checks to Jim and see if anyone wants to trade a 3X7 raised flue Lapeire-Waterloo-small flue pan with both float boxes with a custom aluminum hood for a 10' arch For a Mark I membrane with housing that will fit my CDL 600 expandable. :)