View Full Version : 950 gallon sap tank in truck???

Ryan Mahar
07-02-2018, 10:45 AM
Anyone out there running at chevy 3500 HD or ford 350 dually's and carrying a 950 gallon sap tank?? I've been told they are fine for short hauls......

Haynes Forest Products
07-02-2018, 12:05 PM
Well over weight is my middle name. Now its all fun and games until a county cop sees the front wheels leave the ground from a stop sign. Now my next advice is take it as you see it. "What could go wrong" and "Ill go slow" Most of my vehicles have 5 point seat belts and roll cages. Did you do the math?

07-02-2018, 12:34 PM
Anyone out there running at chevy 3500 HD or ford 350 dually's and carrying a 950 gallon sap tank?? I've been told they are fine for short hauls...... I think that you will be fine, I load 1 ton dumps with 9k lbs all day long. No doubt they are over weight but it doesn't seem to slow them down. I bet it's a 15% grade in places coming out of our quarry too.

Biggest issue I see is hauling like a half full tank, with no dividers in your Tank the sap can get sloping around pretty good. That can make things kinda Iffy. But if you go easy it should be fine.

07-02-2018, 12:35 PM
That's 8100 lbs or there about, I would go with a trailer rated for 10 to 12,000 lbs to pull behind the 3500 dually.

07-02-2018, 04:15 PM
I put an 1100 gallon poly tank on my 2016 F350 dually diesel and it handles it fine. Its a bit of a hand full when half full due to sloshing but its not an issue if you drive cautiously.

07-02-2018, 06:22 PM
All fun and games till they put portable scale pads under tires....

Im a farmer... i get the whole if it fits load it up thing..... but... 10ton running gear with 15 ton on it behind a tractor is way different than 9k lbs on an expensive self propelled running gear ( truck) that is built to safely hold and STOP 2400 lbs.

I guess you need to look at it his way : your the one strapped in for the ride. Yours and the neighbors kids are the ones you need to stop for.