View Full Version : FDA added sugar labeling

06-20-2018, 05:37 AM
Constituent Update
June 19, 2018

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is reviewing comments on its draft guidance to inform its approach to the declaration of added sugars on pure maple syrup and pure honey.

FDA recognizes the complexity of this issue and is grateful for the feedback it has received, including more than 3,000 comments received during the comment period on the draft guidance that closed on June 15. The agency plans to take these comments into consideration to swiftly formulate a revised approach that makes key information available to consumers in a workable way.

When the FDA issued its final rule to update the Nutrition Facts label, it included added sugars as one of the required nutrients to declare on the Nutrition Facts label and provided a definition of added sugars based on the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. FDA's definition of added sugars includes sugars that are either added during the processing of foods or are packaged as such (e.g., a jar of honey, container of maple syrup, or a bag of table sugar). This definition forms the basis of the Dietary Guidelines recommendation that Americans eat no more than 10% of their daily calories from added sugars in order to reduce their risk of chronic disease like heart disease.
The guidance advised food manufacturers about FDA's intent to exercise enforcement discretion to allow the use of an obelisk symbol, “†,” on the Nutrition Facts label immediately after the added sugars percent Daily Value information on containers of pure maple syrup or pure honey to direct consumers to language outside the Nutrition Facts label that provides truthful and non-misleading contextual information about the meaning of “added sugars” for these specific products.

Haynes Forest Products
06-20-2018, 07:32 AM
I have a solution to this idiotic proposal. The head of the FDA needs to put his personal home phone number on the label directing all inquires to him directly. Do the american public really need this misleading crap to save them from heart disease.

How long before they make the auto industry put warning labels on the sides of motor vehicles using the same size requirement as on the packs of cigarettes warning against the dangers of running in front of them when they are moving.

Maybe it's my ADD-ADHD_ADADDAD or some affliction but every time I read the proposal or intended fix of the intended proposal I get more and more confused. I really don't get what problem they think they are fixing or warning us about.

Now if they said " This will add 10% of the daily recommended sugar consumption to your daily diet" I might be able to understand it BUT...BUT I don't need the FDA to tell me that!! I have a wife that reminds me of it every time I take my plate after Sunday breakfast and lifting it up using the back of my thumb and pinky finger and drink all the left over syrup from my plate just like I see the 3 stooges do.

I do feel better knowing THEY are going to offer a "sensible solutions" to a a problem of their own doing, that should help.

06-20-2018, 08:20 AM
Another fine example of big brother trying to help. I have probably sent a dozen emails about the issue to various people and organizations. Glad to see they are at least acknowledging it.
We'll see what they come up with but I'll be surprised if their proposal is much of an improvement.

06-24-2018, 02:34 AM
Well....I just spent $700 on years worth of labels. I was stalling this to the point that I ran out and I finally decided to reorder. Screw them !!!! My customers will get all of my latest labels even if it takes 10 years to use them. Do those morons realize every time you have to change a label it'll cost you several hundred, if not thousands of dollars to change the plate? I just simply will not comply, what are they going to do? Tell me i can't be in business any more?? Very frustrating indeed!

06-24-2018, 09:06 AM

Not set in stone yet.

06-25-2018, 01:48 PM
Yes, but most likely there is going to be some dumb thing that will have to be added to the nutritional label. As mentioned, I just received shipment of personalized labels that will last me 10 years. Am I to throw all these labels away? Anytime government gets involved with anything, it basically punishes the smaller people doing business. To a large packer it won't be an issue because they probably order labels at least a couple times a year. Just to change one word on my label will require a different plate which is very expensive, multiply that times pint, quart, 1/2 gallon, and gallon and your talking some major expense to the point it will be a hardship for me b/c of the unconstitutional FDA!

06-25-2018, 02:04 PM
... b/c of the unconstitutional FDA!

Don't go there. I think both moderators have shortened patience today.

But to alleviate your concerns to some degree....typically there is some allowance given for using up old labels. Not sure a 10 yr supply fits that timeframe, but you won't have to toss them away this year.

As much as all the comments directly to the FDA probably helped, it is equally likely that all the press and constituent uproar also got the attention of those who control the purse-strings. Agencies typically don't like to rile up dozens of Congressmen/Senators if they can help it. Keep in mind that the budget for next year hasn't yet been passed.

07-11-2018, 07:14 PM
So if it says sugar added, I believe people will add sugar to get more out of their syrup. And it won't be against the law. This will be fun!!