View Full Version : Re-doing evaporator shell

06-08-2018, 10:40 AM
Guys- how much of a job is it to re-tin the evaporator walls? Does firebrick come out and have to be re-done? I want to get it redone in SS so I assume a local metal shop should be able to assist?


Haynes Forest Products
06-08-2018, 04:01 PM
Will you do it for strictly cosmetics or its falling apart and you can see the brick. If its just for looks I would have side plates made that look all fancy smancy and pop rivet onto the steel rails. Have them to a hem treatment on all the edges and call it good. Old brick does well once its in place but taking that puzzle apart and loosing some in the process for no gain is a painful experience. If the sides are in bad shape cover with regular sheet and then overlay with SS.

06-09-2018, 02:29 PM
When I built my arch with salvaged stainless I just bolted it to the arch frame.