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View Full Version : Difficult mainline install

06-06-2018, 04:28 PM
So today was day 2 of installing a new 3/4" main in the bush for 150 taps. This main replaces 6 runs of 3/16 line 400ft long. I am also adding 4x more runs of 3/16 for next season so I figured 10x runs would be too much maintenance if my squirrels get hungry. It was challenging because I was running it at the bottom of the ravine that made several hard jogs left and right. I had 3x 90* turns and 2x 45* turns. There really wasn't much tension I could take up before I had to side tie. I also had to side tie quite a bit to keep good tension throughout the run with all the jogs back and forth. On my first try 2x of my side ties on the 90* turns broke with too much pull on them so I had to change all 3x 90* side ties from 14 ga to 12 ga to keep from breaking. I think it is pitched well but there is one creek crossing that is my only questionable spot. It spans close to 75ft and has just a bit more sag than I prefer. Maybe I will take a pitcher of water out tomorrow and pour it in the top side of the main to identify any trouble spots.

maple flats
06-06-2018, 07:33 PM
One pitcher may not sag enough but when you have a high flow day and the main is 50-60% full that may be different. Personally I would have stayed with the 3/16 all of the way for what I think you are describing. The beauty of 3/16 is that sap does not allow the gases to pass and thus, as long as there is pull (vacuum) on the line the sap flows.

Moser's Maple
06-06-2018, 08:16 PM
A good practice is when you have jogs like that you terminate the run of the wire at the jog, then tie around the same tree and continue up the path till the next jog.