View Full Version : Online poll about "Added sugar"

05-01-2018, 01:22 PM
Not sure how many are aware of this, but there is a pending rule by the FDA to require foods to have an "Added Sugar" category on their label. What they mean by this is how much is "added" to your diet, not how much sugar is "added" to the food as an ingredient. For maple syrup it would mean putting 100% "Added" sugar on the nutrition label. This is potentially confusing to consumers.

In any case, a newspaper has an ongoing poll on the subject. Vote here: http://www.caledonianrecord.com/news/do-you-support-a-move-by-the-fda-to-add/poll_c27bda36-4d42-11e8-8646-2f7be2551a03.html