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white mt
08-06-2007, 06:22 AM
Hi guys I was thinking of a new steam hood for the next season had some thoughts. do some of you guys just vent the steam into the coopala with say ten feet of stack or so,dose this still cause raining inside if you dont go out the roof..Have you ever seen a coopala with roof jacks on it with steam stacks through it. I dont want to redo my roof I like how it looks now.thanks for your input.

08-06-2007, 09:16 AM
We run our steamhood stack just below the vents in the cupola. It works fine. I dont think you need to cut a hole in you roof.

Russell Lampron
08-06-2007, 05:24 PM
I do the same as hookhill. My steam stack is inside the cupola and I don't have problems with condensation dripping into the sugarhouse. On a cold night though I will get some ice build up on the doors.


08-06-2007, 06:54 PM
I too run just enough stack to get up into the cupola. That way it is very easy for me to take the stack off to raise my hood to clean the flue pan
I also have my hood set up with rope to hoist it up into the air.

maple flats
08-13-2007, 04:57 PM
I also did the same but I have 2 12" stacks on my hood with 8" suspended above them and inserted a few inches into them. I then have a winch set up to raise my hood any time I need and can get about 22" of elevation for servicing etc. Next year i am changing it to just 2 of 8" stack ending about 2' lower and will have a loose slip guide to support the verticle but will be able to raise as needed. On my hood each corner is attached to a cable that goes up to a pully directly above and then ties to one winch to raise. For the cieling mount pulley location I just used a plumb bob. It works real easy with one hand up or down.

08-13-2007, 11:16 PM
Same here. My 2x3 hood has a 3' section of 6" diameter that loosly slips into a 7" diameter which runs up and over to the cupola. Good venting, nice preheat and I can lift my hood about 18" with 4 lines commoned. Some condensate drips out of the 7" and onto the top of the hood, but it's not a lot. The only thing I need to add is a counter weight or winch to make lifting it easier.

maple flats
08-16-2007, 06:52 PM
Mine doesn't drip onto the hood because the smaller is above and drips into the larger. There is then a drip tray inside under the stack which runs the stack drip into the bottom inner trough and out at 1 corner into a bucket for use. Mine gives a constant small stream flowing into a bucket and gives me a few gal of hot water to use each hour. If I get too much I just dump it out.