View Full Version : Ramp and boil rate

steve J
04-05-2018, 08:06 AM
I am still debugging my new supreme pan on my Mason 2x4 with a blower. I had built a ramp using fire brick and created a wall at end that was within 2 inches of bottom of old flat pan. There was also a 4 inch space between back of this wall and where stove pipe connects. Because the supreme pan has drop flues in center channel I lowered center of wall so that pan could fit. But it seems like the back part of the third channel (syrup channel ) does not boil as hard now. Should I fill that space behind the wall? would this help? I am done boiling for the year but want to re-engineer this so that I increase my boil rate.

Michael Greer
04-05-2018, 02:18 PM
I'm certainly not an engineer, and have experience limited to only two evaporators, but in my rig, the bricks are only an inch from the bottom of the flues. To me this would seem to force almost all the fire up into the raised flues. Maybe take a sugarhouse tour after the season and get a look at other rigs.