View Full Version : Evaporator care and cleaning question

03-31-2018, 06:09 PM
First off Im a rookie at this but really enjoy making syrup. I have made syrup in a flat pan for the past two years making small batches. Well, I pulled the trigger and bought a leader 2x6 evaporator. I have a lot to learn before next season!! OK to my questions. This unit is in very nice condition but I would like to clean the outside of it like new. You know....get the shine back. What is the best method to get this result? Also, what is the best way to clean the flue pan and syrup pan. I hope I dont wear out my welcome here to quick with all my future questions. Thank you for your help! Ken

Michael Greer
03-31-2018, 06:37 PM
So the outside is fairly easy...sugar is water soluble. Inside you'll have a mineral deposit that won't just scrub off and needs to be dissolved with something acidic. Let the chemistry work and don't get heavy handed and scratch the surface or it'll be even harder to clean next year. Finally there's the bottom where you'll have black deposits from the fire. Oven cleaner is awful stuff but it works. When you're all done rinse well and after it's dry, cover it up with a sheet so you won't have to clean it again next February.

03-31-2018, 07:06 PM
Thanks for the help. I will get busy and post a pic or two!

maple flats
03-31-2018, 07:39 PM
Welcome to the Maple Trader goldnut. Ask all of the questions you want, someone will always answer. I'd give you a warning but it sounds like it's too late, you are already addicted. There is no cure.

03-31-2018, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the welcome! How about a website question? Is it normal for the last post on a thread to go to the top of the page? I feel like im reading a book from the bottom to the top. Maybe I need to change a setting?

03-31-2018, 09:06 PM
Thanks for the welcome! How about a website question? Is it normal for the last post on a thread to go to the top of the page? I feel like im reading a book from the bottom to the top. Maybe I need to change a setting?
Maybe others have it set up opposite but I like the last post first. after 15 years i am used to it! Welcome!

03-31-2018, 09:39 PM
Thanks Chris! I can understand why you like it that way. I guess that is why is struck me as different since another forum I been a long time member of has the opposite layout. In time Im sure I will get used to this one just fine. Ken

04-01-2018, 05:07 AM
Thanks Chris! I can understand why you like it that way. I guess that is why is struck me as different since another forum I been a long time member of has the opposite layout. In time Im sure I will get used to this one just fine. Ken
You can choose which order the posts appear in under your personal settings. I prefer latest post first because if you're a regular forum visitor you want the posts you've not read to be at the top (especially for those threads that can become many pages long and stretch over many years!)

04-01-2018, 07:03 AM
You can choose which order the posts appear in under your personal settings. I prefer latest post first because if you're a regular forum visitor you want the posts you've not read to be at the top (especially for those threads that can become many pages long and stretch over many years!)

If you click on new posts at the top it will bring up all threads with new posts since your last visit. In new posts there is a dot next to each thread. If you click on the dot it will bring you to the first unread message.

buckeye gold
04-01-2018, 07:23 AM

If all you have on the outside is splatter from boiling then hot water and a soft cloth to wipe dry is good. If it's more than sugar than I'm not sure. There are Stainless cleaners, but since this is a food grade utensil I'd be careful using them. I wonder what a litle vinegar in warm water would do. I have always kept mine wiped down since it was new. It's part of my shut down routine, I have a towel or chammay and dampen it with hot water and wipe the evaporator exterior every day's end. It only takes a few minutes and can be done while your waiting for cool down. I have a wet one in one hand and one to dry in the other. I think it makes everything look good and clean every day, and visitors will often remark how my pan shines. As for season end there is an old timers method that works pretty well on the sugar scale. I fill my pan with sap at season end and let it set for 6-8 weeks and ferment until it's like snot. Drain that and power wash and almost all the burnt on sugar will wash off and it will shine. It works if you give it time. I usually power wash and scrape my bottom to get the black crud off.

04-01-2018, 08:06 AM
I usually power wash and scrape my bottom to get the black crud off.

You gotta do what you gotta do. ;)

04-01-2018, 04:42 PM
OK so the hot water worked really well on the outside. I will clean the inside of the pans this week. I noticed that there is a gap between the syrup pan and the flue pan. What is suppose to fill this gap? I can bring the flue pan forward or push the syrup pan back but that just relocates the gap. Help! LOL Hope everyone had a great Easter! Ken

04-01-2018, 05:32 PM
OK so the hot water worked really well on the outside. I will clean the inside of the pans this week. I noticed that there is a gap between the syrup pan and the flue pan. What is suppose to fill this gap? I can bring the flue pan forward or push the syrup pan back but that just relocates the gap. Help! LOL Hope everyone had a great Easter! Ken

Feel free to ask away. This a great forum that has helped us a lot. I have the same size rig and it takes a Pan gasket between the flue pan and syrup pan. The first year we bought the right one and it was way too thick. You just need it thick enough to stop the flame and smoke from coming out.

04-01-2018, 08:08 PM
VT, Are you talking about a gasket that goes between the pans and arch? Or is there one that goes between the pans. It doesnt seem right to me that I can move the pans a couple inches in the arch. Im just a bit confused right now. Thanks for your patience. Ken

04-02-2018, 05:06 AM
Goldnut, there is a gasket that will go between the pans. It's a couple inches thick and made out of ceramic insulation material. This will close up the gap between the pans. There is also a flat gasket that will around the arch to help seal between the pan and arch. Leader has all of the manuals online as well.

04-02-2018, 07:09 AM
Now I understand! Thanks for the help. Stay tuned for more questions! LOL

04-03-2018, 07:47 PM
We use the rope type gasket between the arch and pans. Between the front and rear pans (also along the back of the rear pan) we us the ceramic blanket type insulation (2" wide). We use a 1/4" rod to help support it. It gets replaced once or twice during the year if it is ruined while cleaning.


maple flats
04-14-2018, 05:00 PM
Thanks for the welcome! How about a website question? Is it normal for the last post on a thread to go to the top of the page? I feel like im reading a book from the bottom to the top. Maybe I need to change a setting?
To change that just go into your settings. Under general settings, Thread display just click on which way you want it. You have 4 choices. If not sure, click on each, one at a time to find the one you prefer.

04-15-2018, 02:59 PM
Thanks Dave! Got it changed to my preference. Ken