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View Full Version : Leader 5/16" Clear Seasonal Spout (LACSP)

03-28-2018, 09:13 PM
Looking for input from others that are having major issues with drop lines pushing off of the Leader 5/16" Clear Seasonal Spout (LACSP). I'm a small "hobby" producer and have had about 1-2% of my drops completely push off of these spouts. another 5% partially push off or have micro leaks around the neck of the spout that can not be corrected. In case your wondering, I use the Leader Max Flo Flex 5/16th tubing (LAASB) for my drops and replace a little over 1/3 of my drops each year. Serious issues with leaks or micro leaks this year. I have used these spouts for the past couple of years because they are clear and you can diagnose issues quick.

I'm not very pleased with the Leader product this year...major pain in the ***...been in the woods multiple times fixing leaks. Unable to fix the micro leaks around the neck of the spout. Looking for another product next year!!!


03-29-2018, 05:15 AM
In case you haven’t seen it, check out this thread. You aren’t the only one.

Russell Lampron
03-29-2018, 05:27 AM
I'm using the Leader CV2 spouts and I haven't had any lines come off of them. I don't have the micro leaks either. I tried a roll of the Max Flow Flex and don't like it. I typically use the CDL see though tubing and like it much better. It's soft and easy to work with and you can see through it easily which makes leak checking a lot easier.

The problem seems to be that the trees are running and the mainlines are frozen solid and the pressure is causing the drops to pop off of the spouts and other fittings. The issue seems to be spread across the maple belt and not just here in NH. I think that the reason that I'm not having a problem is because 90% of my trees are reds and they won't run without vacuum.

Super Sapper
03-29-2018, 05:47 AM
I have the clear seasonal and CV2 spouts on CDL tubing and had 1 pop off early and nothing since.

03-29-2018, 06:16 AM
I've had lots of issues. None of my limited amount of cdl has come apart or off the spout, but all my leader stuff is falling off daily. Used to be a huge leader fan, now, not so much.