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07-27-2007, 04:46 PM
I'm currently building a new sugarshack and am wondering how I should run my evaperator exaust stack through the roof. I decided to use shingles instead of steel roofing becouse I preferred the looks of the shingled roof better. I figured there must be a safe way to do it becouse there are some very nice sheds on this site that used either shingles or ceder shakes. My concern is if I use the roof jack that comes with my maple pro evaperator and use the single wall pipe provided my insurance company may have a problem with it. My shack and the contents are adding up to a bit of money and I want to make sure i'm doing things properly. I was just wondering if you guys had any ideas about this. My evap is a 3 by 10 and is will be centered directly under the peak of the roof. The roof also has a nice cupalo centered over the evap which measures 4 by 14. Any info would be appreciated , i'd also like to say that i very much enjoy your site and appreciate all the info you guy's provide here. Thanks Theron

07-27-2007, 05:16 PM
Do you have the right style and pitch roof jack? If so you should be all set.
As long as your roof jack is designed for the ridge then it should have enough metal around it to just fasten it to your roof. Run your shingles up just high enough to go under the roof jack. I know with mine I had somewhere around 18" to 24" of stainless sheet metal around the perimeter so that you don't have to have anything else. If you don't have much metal around yours I would get some stainless sheet metal and use that as flashing until you are far eough away from the stack so the shingles don't melt. Also make sure you are far enough away from your rafters. You might have to cut the rafters and box out an area around the stack

07-27-2007, 05:17 PM
Do you have the right style and pitch roof jack? If so you should be all set.
As long as your roof jack is designed for the ridge then it should have enough metal around it to just fasten it to your roof. Run your shingles up just high enough to go under the roof jack. I know with mine I had somewhere around 18" to 24" of stainless sheet metal around the perimeter so that you don't have to have anything else. If you don't have much metal around yours I would get some stainless sheet metal and use that as flashing until you are far eough away from the stack so the shingles don't melt. Also make sure you are far enough away from your rafters. You might have to cut the rafters and box out an area around the stack

07-27-2007, 06:44 PM
Thanks keith for the info. I told maple pro that my pitch was 4/12 but I didn't think to tell them it needed to be built for the ridge. I'll call them monday and let them know. My concern was weather double wall pipe above the roof or a thimble was required like you would use on a wood stove in a house. I figured it probably wasn't becouse I've never seen anything like it done any where, I just wasnt sure.

07-27-2007, 08:08 PM
They probably would ask you which type you need before they build it cause if it is 4/12 and was not made for the peak it wouldn't work for you
Some of the traders have put ceramic blanket up near the rafters to keep the heat away

super sappy
07-28-2007, 07:05 AM
-Has anyone ever run the stack up thru the cupalo so the rising heat from the stack will help draw out steam. I was thinking of doing this but it would require a rebuild of the entire cupalo.I just dont know if it would be worth all the extra work? Does anyone have a roof jack that dosent leak? -SS

07-28-2007, 07:14 AM
got one in the workshop not installed that doesn't leak. Just kidding

07-28-2007, 08:21 AM
Sappy, I was kind of figuring on running the stack through the cupalo so if I do i'll let you know how I make out. If I do I'll have to do some serious figuring becouse the cupalo is a little on the complicated side, it turned out great but their is a lot of little angled boards involved. It took my boy and I two days to build that baby. Theron

07-28-2007, 09:59 AM
Supper Sappy
My roofjack doesn't leak. If is made right and installed properly it shouldn't leak. I also have a stack cover on the top of my stack that is on a hinge that you pull(a cable) to open and close.No matter how much rain I get it is always dry.

07-28-2007, 05:47 PM
Special order you jack....Make the metal wider and longer......may cost a few more dollars.....Wont hurt to get a price.....

07-28-2007, 08:00 PM
If you have access to any Amish tinsmiths, it would be a ton cheaper. I had one make me a 10" steam stack peak 4/12" roof jack for $ 45 and not a lot of difference from the one Leader made that was $ 250. Definitely not as nice, but for a steam stack, all that I needed.