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View Full Version : 3/16 and vac assistance needed

Ian MacMillan
03-24-2018, 02:57 PM
We are a small hobby producer, about 50 taps on mostly reds.

Last year we switched to 3/16 from buckets for our main bush and have 25 taps on that line that emptied into a tank in the woods. I was very impressed at its yield. Top tap is about 30' higher than the tank. This year we decided up add vac to it as well over the natural.

This year we built our new sugarshack, but it had to be built about 15' above where our tank was so we looked at running the line to the shack.

The 3/16 line was rerun, a total of 800', with the top tap being about 30' higher than the last, and about 10' higher than the end of the line at the shack.

The taps are on the first 400' of the line using Leader CV spouts. The rest of the 400' runs uphill on a slight incline for about 375' and the last 25' has a steep climb into the shack. In the shack the line goes into a Surflo 4008 with a recirculation line and into the holding tank.

The gauge at the pump is showing between 20" - 22" regularly but the line is pretty much full until about the upgrade and the pump pulls in very little off the line. It seems more like the line has back pressure and the vac gauge is reading the pull back down to the lowest point. At one point on the over night it sucked about 15gal out of the holding tank through the recerc needle valve when then temp shut the pump down. From reading here I understand that 1" is about equal to 1' on vac.

I'm obviously new to this and despite poking around I can't find what is most likely a very obvious solution.

My gut tells me to put the woods tank back in and then up pump to the shack.

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-24-2018, 03:21 PM
Your gut is correct

Ian MacMillan
03-27-2018, 04:24 PM
Turns out a T at the lowest point, which is on the back side of a tree blew the drop line fitting. Replaced that T and checked the fit and now the system is back up and running very well. Pulling 27" and no back pressure.

03-27-2018, 05:39 PM
I’d put my pump at the bottom of the hill and use 1/2 or 3/4 tube for the up-hill run.

Your vacuum at the bottom of the steep hill is lower than at the pump.

03-27-2018, 07:45 PM
If its working well I might leave it as is. Its definitely not the best practice for 3/16 but for only 50 taps it makes it simplified to get the sap to the shack with a few less steps even if you lose a little vac pulling it a bit uphill.