View Full Version : Making small batches of Maple Cream in Cuisinart Ice Cream Machine - Success!

03-23-2018, 01:15 PM
Hi all, this is my first post in this very interesting group. We are in Southern NB on the Canadian East Coast. We are 3 families together and ave close to 300 taps between our adjoining lots. We started 3 years ago with about 140 taps and have gone up from there.

So, I found lots of nice builds and devices to make maple cream, but I was interested to find something for the smaller scale, such as making only 1 quart or so. After seeing several videos on youtube, I seen one in particular that looked like a larger version of what my small ice cream machine does. The Scrapers/paddles stay put and the bowl itself does the turning.

So yesterday I tough I would pull the ice cream machine bowl out of the freezer and let it thaw to room temp in a sink full of water. During that time I brought a quart of syrup to 232F and then cooled to 75F or so. Washed the mixing bowl and started it up. Poured the syrup in it and although it took 50 minutes, I was able to watch a full episode of "The Walking Dead" I ended up with nice cream and no sore arm.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/J-UYGaN1qf3S7gxjXhK_TR0K8SHjoc0u-hMDAJmD1DO50iIyqYBnnWXv-IhLeE539hizCN1KNC1IZ0t51CysQSPDLKE67X8lH8na-8niuDYDaYJ-5M5zeg-ereIbA6uBr4LFR1V5xKKOv9MSdqPMf6Dwu84a2xY9Pgw30vJtt aYmI6GZg_sd8CbVO5NFmFCMQBbvLE2w3yXaVClqtTxGTY1cnn3 tUGGiO92EN7Kx8yX71jImODouj6tgC3WlCA7Hp4mErzGAI1Y-OiwN53X2lRyZnoUOUbIVRxpR0QLnA1MMDwhRCxNjv2dvMew3U2 0zeODDa_B7-mEanXYnDV2e1YioFd3Cf-cTFSpFjzFPBqx8P0KPgI4ItR1JmHZVgUnvSadLTicH3oTklFr5 9QQh-OsY2v-scaFPpGfJhshDDysO7D53de1OrS67tJnHwORcf6VBB2AnMfEw4 RhgzMkAZe1txk8mkvv-2-Rmvzr2VJNG5XWr-ot_sfyl_MqGnH2z8ffmdnYnxhG76ry9rnmjw-hrhw0-T5Z4h6uO-Czv_WT4WXT05Iiw-jcYx_w6Ni5BazRegrOzthTn6DcOV08GszBMuN64-TmOVY6gM_g=w386-h686-no


I tried searching to see if anyone else on the site was doing this already but did not see anything so I thought I'd share for the smaller batch makers out there.


03-23-2018, 05:41 PM
Looks great!

03-23-2018, 06:38 PM
We do ours in a kitchen aid mixer. Cool it to 50° and mix fir 15-20 minutes. We're looking to buy a cream machine, but haven't found a used one yet.

03-23-2018, 06:51 PM
I'd like to try this, but don't have either appliance. Is there another method? I have a food processor and used to kneed bread in it. Would that work?

03-24-2018, 03:07 PM
We do ours in a kitchen aid mixer. Cool it to 50° and mix fir 15-20 minutes. We're looking to buy a cream machine, but haven't found a used one yet.

We also have a KitchenAid stand mixer but I was reluctant to use it for maple cream. I had read a few places where people had tried using their mixers and burned them out. But I can't remember for sure if they were using a kitchenAid or not.


03-24-2018, 09:44 PM
We also have a KitchenAid stand mixer but I was reluctant to use it for maple cream. I had read a few places where people had tried using their mixers and burned them out. But I can't remember for sure if they were using a kitchenAid or not.


I do not have a kitchen aid. When my daughter was looking for one for her baking business she found that the kitchen aid with tilting head has plastic gears. The one that the head is fixed and the bowl goes up and down has metal gears.

03-25-2018, 08:06 AM
Tell us more about the ice cream machine. What make and model is it? My wife loves maple butter but she loves her kitchen aid too much to try making done with it.

03-25-2018, 10:27 AM
Tell us more about the ice cream machine. What make and model is it? My wife loves maple butter but she loves her kitchen aid too much to try making done with it.

This is my machine. Cuisinart ICE-30. Not all that extravagant except that it does not have the rotating plastic paddles like many other consumer machines. It is the bowl itself that rotates, and scrapers in the bottom and sides do all the work but with much less force on them than rotating paddles would have to endure. I've only done it once with the Ice Cream maker, but at the end of it, it was just warm to the touch, not even hot and it did not sound like was working too hard.

Here is a video of it in action. I have it hosted in Google Photos so I hope it works:


Amazon US link to the same Ice Cream maker as mine. If you do get one, I HIGHLY recommend the Ben & Jerry's Ice cream recipe book to go with it. They are amazing.


Just to add, Here are pic of my buddy and I bottling 8 liters of syrup this morning. That's 38 liters (10 gallons) so far this season.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/PNE-0lSbmOSsMLX578kVRvu7t_ahd2uTHGz1O-mJzhLBeAyyJWtNLaO0x8vSD7k7vQR8LBD9zbuo0lXVcHKhy5J1 S5-TrVQ-zysx036ic-WVAh0oy51EAPrVr0UkOH6whHjCf1ofAsktm6Z7-CLg2E6amm5AyM3did2mB5MUhlI1Odd_I8dKTMrBthuhPowplMF CV7I_idouZq1otP7ZvXsx7xn9Yd2QhHmF4maLxRxuLBmqJjGYQ 1O-k8pl-4c-_8PaGuaA-iGmovcBFNWTWqntedylwfGSNrwAJvFeJkO1_51IFHkpfJ9SPnI V-sx2dk2Pj0RKjuzpVPwwhQ277J6_CcctWTrsQev0gA1wyLS_Ros p7eVIygkVaM_HbtzlMrYfA2WEdpR04G9VTBXlc29D2W-gRQWoXARQQvpkonGdL7GY2p4EK4RvvaqBzzX3vdpxzi6cqFb5I _k-Arcbv2izrb-_pkzHlVWhP6B7niqvlpcxsrUsz6ngiu4tfvnlFP-pcW6IMKxUqNOdDPo-Qk_7VgnNgOCBC_I6uKTAxyvHK9E_J3GNDpUGbW1UnW0qLey2ap f0kWLdzMs2_hOODq4JxQoPVyVZDsBmxOk=w422-h750-no

03-25-2018, 04:37 PM
That is too cool! I have the same ice cream maker... the closest I've come is making maple ice cream. We really like maple cream and buy from a VT producer that comes to our farmer's market. I've burned out my prior kitchen aid making bagels and decided didn't need to ruin a second one... I've also seen the comments of folks ruling their machines. We've also not had enough syrup that I've wanted to give some up to cream. With this technique, I bet I could try with just a pint, as I've made less than a at of ice cream at a time.

03-25-2018, 06:03 PM
That is too cool! I have the same ice cream maker... the closest I've come is making maple ice cream. We really like maple cream and buy from a VT producer that comes to our farmer's market. I've burned out my prior kitchen aid making bagels and decided didn't need to ruin a second one... I've also seen the comments of folks ruling their machines. We've also not had enough syrup that I've wanted to give some up to cream. With this technique, I bet I could try with just a pint, as I've made less than a at of ice cream at a time.

Best of luck! It should work out, but remember it took mine about 50 minutes. after 20 minutes I did not think it was going to work as the syrup had not even started to turn color yet. but after about 30 minutes, it started getting lighter in color, then I knew it would eventually get there. My buddy said that if I put a tablespoon of cream from a previous batch into a fresh one, it might precipitate the crystal formation faster so it might take less time... That will be my next test... If I have any cream left by then.


03-25-2018, 06:53 PM
Adding seed from another batch will cut your time in half.

03-26-2018, 08:52 AM
Adding seed from another batch will cut your time in half.

Thanks for the confirmation, My maple buddy used to teach chemistry so any suggestions he gives me, I pretty much follow.

That's why we call it our Maple Meth Lab.

Notice the "MM" on our steam vent. When flipped upside down it reads "WW" Breaking Bad fans will recognize ;)
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/7hMa3-jnUVaZiiKXARUVBEY0yfhNiCiktaRTN1ainukvcXlDvQnKxTXv SlrsSm511r6d_wb0QM7aV8FMmS5hWuMke25C52rIV0pRbRCtzI Wi85v0Cz4NJ_smQCiXrzEqyIpAqyN3x7GXeiQ6BNa6mH_108FK mxi-ie_IeocL-Sip6Whxx4dfAIlRB0hJ-L3jK2_J3BFcHwUCQxpTrb6CZY2DudqMHcw76Y2RMmXca9I-0kKMmd3voEP-CsOAc7MXAppZY0KBcZKr2N0qpggS8-ATnp1xrbO7URg6RWv1tdwsDxxCL7kDCDjURmVVaY2vksFzBb0W 4Od-Mquz0_sLm1C8Pki78cCunTzY7VPlcQv3g1ILm1G8i-JnSLIsxwxDQstu5a7XaTvBANrySE1YEfJZfAUBW9dSvph7UJPa t8j4CJneI8hPN-feEP1HhyvrnhGh1s9qeURP4oWnVHOfta0LZjoAIWu_PihRnriF ZBxuFiIy5x_gR3oMD5gb9FKhHnP8RQy4cuQZWMxmeB836iDhcl f4SkSdG184vJBHwU1fpbgfn4RC0BjDFcYVl03hNUNIp-CDhuGybdpYGRtrEJROOXDdcSLHhLSxd8Y=w1220-h686-no


03-26-2018, 09:05 AM
I'd like to try this, but don't have either appliance. Is there another method? I have a food processor and used to kneed bread in it. Would that work?
You can do a quart at a time buy hand but it's a workout, I did it just once and bought a refurbished Kitchen Aid, the heavy Duty one, it was 199. I think, also works great for small batches of sugar.

red dorakeen
03-26-2018, 01:55 PM
If the Cuisinart's were still a bit cold would it speed up the process?

03-26-2018, 02:18 PM
If the Cuisinart's were still a bit cold would it speed up the process?

Probably, but it'll thicken up the syrup and might make it too hard for the machine to churn. I'm just guessing here.


03-26-2018, 03:16 PM
Do you think the manual ice cream maker would work? The frozen canister would definitely cool the hot syrup rapidly; however, would it be too difficult to turn the paddles by hand?