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View Full Version : Problem with shurflo 4048

03-21-2018, 06:19 PM
I have a problem I think I already know the answer too but want too make sure I'm not missing something.I have a 3/16 tubing system with 6 runs of about 25 taps each.I bought a shurflo 4048 new in box.I hooked it in today and hooked it up too my deep cycle battery,12.8 volts.The pump came on for a few second,went off,came on....I tryed adjusting the pressure switch,checked connections etc.If I tap on it just slightly it comes on for a brief second then off.Doesnt seem too matter where I tap it,motor end or pump end but I can't get it too run.Our sap is finally gonna run next week and I want too see this thing work.Im guessing I got a bad pump??Thanks for help in advance.

03-21-2018, 07:08 PM
Are you hooked into a mainline? Make sure any valves are open your flow is the correct direction. The pressure switch will shut off the pump if you have it backwards and your are putting pressure on the lines.

03-21-2018, 07:25 PM
Yes I'm hooked into mainline,valve open,pump in right direction.I bypassed pressure switch and acts same.Thank you for the suggestion.

Greg MacWilliam
03-21-2018, 07:40 PM
Ice in the pump will sometimes cause this

03-21-2018, 07:42 PM
it very well could be a loose electrical connection

03-21-2018, 07:51 PM
Thanks for replies,definately not ice,first time it's been hooked up and sap was running,I soldered a weatherpack connector on and soldered ring terminals on down at battery end.Had 12.8 continuous volts with multimeter while it was hooked up.I then unhooked the pressure switch and hooked it directly too the 2 wires coming out of motor and it did same thing.

03-21-2018, 07:57 PM
Is their a better option for me with 150 taps?I went with the bigger one but am reading alot of people using the 2088?Maybe more reliable?First experience with running a pump and so far not good.I did well on the 3/16 Last year but wanted too try a pump...did I just get unlucky or are these problematic?I want too order another one and send this one back,any suggestions much appreciated.

03-21-2018, 08:06 PM
I have the same pump 4048. I have ran it on and off for 7 weeks this season with good results. I did have one issue when I had it hooked up to a 10 amp 12 volt power source it ran like it was underpowered on startup. I upgraded to a 20 amp power source and it has run much better ever since.

I should add it is on 120 taps 3/16

03-21-2018, 08:17 PM
Shouldn't be any problem running it off a deep cycle marine battery right?

03-21-2018, 09:06 PM
I wouldn't think so. But for the pump itself, myself and others have used them and I haven't heard many problems on them so perhaps you have a defective one.

03-21-2018, 09:18 PM
Ok thank you everyone,I'll order another pump and return this one and give it another go.We still have knee deep snow but temps look good for next week so want to get it hooked up asap.

03-22-2018, 07:27 AM
I assume you just tried running it dry too?

03-22-2018, 07:34 AM
Sounds like a defective pump. Maybe brushed sticking. We have a 4048 on 12V deep cycle with 125 taps. No issues

03-22-2018, 01:15 PM
I did try running it dry too when I had it home in garage last night,did same thing.I have a new one on the way.Hopefully this one works,looking like we are finally going too get some sap next week,had -7 a couple mornings in a row,may take a few days too thaw out!

03-22-2018, 01:17 PM
How many hours does your deep cycle run your 4048?

03-23-2018, 05:36 AM
How many hours does your deep cycle run your 4048?
Last year we were averaging about 24 continuous hrs with a small solar charger. This year we got larger solar panels. Had to change batteries 1 time the entire season.

04-03-2018, 06:32 PM
Well,I got the new pump last week and I'm ecstatic,never seen so much sap without it.It did turn out too be defective pump.Today I checked tank and noticed the flow pulsing,hadn't got around too putting vacuum gauge on yet.I put gauge on and had 0 in....very windy here yesterday so started checking lines,found where ice had pushed rubber cap off unused fitting on mainline entrance.put new plug on fixed another loose tap and had 18.5 in within 15 min.but....when it topped out at 18.5 a few minutes later I heard flow into tank stop?If I created leak by loosening another cap it would start too pump again.Temp was dropping fast and I noticed ice forming in inlet strainer and mainline???I shut it off and brought pump inside garage but has anyone else seen this happen?Seemed like if I created a small leak so it was only 10 in.it would still flow but when it got too higher vacuum I could see sap backing up mainline but not going through pump?Frozen checkvalve maybe?Thanks for all the help.

04-05-2018, 03:39 PM
Perhaps there was some ice blocking the main line? Those pumps are rated for 4gpm so they can handle quite a bit of sap. And you should get 4gpm if the vacuum is 10 or 18in.

04-05-2018, 10:09 PM
"sap backing up mainline" probably means you have an air leak near the pump. Maybe your screen housing isn't tight or one of the other mainline fittings is not tight? you can see where the problem is when there is sap full in the tube -- it will bubble where the leak is.

Also, the pump will stall if it has sap for a while and then becomes dry. A dry diaphragm cannot pull as much, so it will remain stalled until pressure drops back down to about 12-14 inhg. You need to work at having the sap come in slow and steady instead of in batches -- a gently sloped mainline. I use 3/4" and even a slow even trickle will keep the pressure high.

Some folks prefer using a recirculating line and feed a trickle back into the line from the tank (controlled with a valve). I use one occasionally just to get the pressure up early in the run.

Late in the season, the screen will get caked with sap muck and will clog up. You'll need to keep an eye on that or remove the screen during the day (but put it back before the freeze!).

04-06-2018, 07:34 AM
Thank you for the responses,it must have been a checkvalve freezing up or something,hooked it back up next day and it ran great,after a couple hours it pulled the system down too 20.5 inches and I got ALOT of sap.Cant believe the difference those little pumps make.Its a great bang for the buck for sure.