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View Full Version : First Boil...Again?

03-21-2018, 01:57 AM
Hello all,

This will be my first year making syrup using an actual evaporator(i.e. not the kitchen stove with a stock pot and 5 gallons of sap).

I've inherited a Leader Half Pint (used) and have been doing some boning up on how to run it properly. The more I learn, the more questions seem to stem off of the answers I get.
The unit seems to be in good condition, with the exception of the boiling pan. The pan doesn't have the "mirror-like" finish it once did and there's some minor warping along the bottom in various spots.
The unit was located inside an old shed (wood, drafty, dirty, etc.).

1) Is it possible to restore the finish to mirror-like or close to mirror-like?
2) Should I be concerned about the warped spots?
3) Do I need to do (another?) first boil? (this evap has not seen sap for over a decade)

Thanks to all

03-21-2018, 04:11 AM
A couple jugs of vinegar to get about 3/4" in pans. Add enough water to bring it up to maybe 1.5 inches. Bring to a boil.
Use a clean sponge or new cloth and wipe down outside of pans with the warm solution. Scrub inside of entire pan with warm solution. Let boil for maybe an hour. If you have access to a hose and fresh water. Stop adding wood. Open the drawoff valve and drain vinegar solution slowly. while adding water at other end. This will keep pans from running dry and flush vinegar solution out. Make sure you flush with lots of water. Even under the top lip of pan. If it has one. Let cool and leave 1" or more of water in pan to let cool. Once cool. Drain pan. Do one more rinse with valve wide open to let all water out.
She's ready for sap