View Full Version : Wood Sheds

03-20-2018, 09:23 PM
I need a wood shed to fit 20 cord.. Would like some ideas... All open? Leantu,? Completley enclosed?

03-21-2018, 04:22 AM
Possibly invest in a R.O. and eliminate the shed, could be a option. 20 cord is a good sized pile! How much syrup are you making?

03-21-2018, 05:27 AM
On 3000 taps I'm making about 500 gal a year .. Yes an ro does fix the problem. But its a big investment.. Mabey later down the road.

03-21-2018, 09:44 AM
I think the location is the most critical feature. I'm planning on adding a new wood shed to my sap house this year. My current wood storage is on the opposite side of the house. This stinks in the rain and cold, so now it will be at the door, just feet from the evaporator.

All my current wood storage (home heating and maple processing) is covered, open sided. This new area may be partially closed in, but the wood storage section will be mostly open. Other than nesting birds, I've not really had any trouble.

EDIT: Even though I'm small scale, I am adding RO next season.

03-21-2018, 03:46 PM
My wood shed holds 20 plus cords depending on how high we stack. It is all enclosed, wish I had left some open for air movement. If I put wood in that is wet at all it doesn't seem to dry well. But it is nice having enclosed w/ doors that lock to secure everything toward the end of the season whan it is empty.

03-21-2018, 04:20 PM
spend the money on an RO. when you can remove 75% of the water before you start you'll cut your firewood use by 75% as well.

03-22-2018, 08:47 PM
Screw the ro boil the way you want.
It depends on your snow load a small pole style shed with a 6/12 pitch will shed snow well. and if you set it up so your eave walls are the ends of your wood piles the ground and the trusses will hold the piles from falling out. The idea i have in my head for my wood shed is this style with poles spaced 4' on center and rough sawen slats on the inside like a old corn crib. I would leave gable ends open for access and air flow. A 24'×24' with wood piles 6' tall will hold 27 full cord .

03-23-2018, 08:25 AM
Screw the ro boil the way you want.spoken like a person who's never experienced the pleasure of boiling RO'd sap.