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View Full Version : Sihi pump question

03-19-2018, 06:21 PM
Hello all,
I would like to start by thanking everyone for all the knowledge on this site. It has been a tremendous help!
I have a question on a sihi vacuum pump that I can't seem to find any information on. The model number is AOHB 3603. If anybody knows anything about this pump, or could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

03-19-2018, 07:45 PM
A 3603 is a pretty common sihi..not alot to them. Do you have a spacific question?

03-19-2018, 07:53 PM
It is currently set up to wash tubing. I've heard if I reverse the motor direction it will pull vacuum. Is this correct? Also, how much vacuum will this pump pull?

03-20-2018, 06:43 PM
Thats diffrent...it should, try it..you just have to plumb it correctly...most sihi pumps pull 24" of vac. Im not sure how many cubic feet a minute it will pull,,,googel it, they are a popular pump
Can you post a pic of the pump?

03-20-2018, 07:19 PM
I don't have a picture currently. A guy I know has it, and would like to sell it. I contacted a cdl representative today, who was very helpful, and he said he didn't have any info in his sihi vacuum book. He thought it may be strictly a water pump. I have tried to do different Google searches, but come up empty handed. I did find a pump with a model number of AOH 3603, but no AOHB 3603.