View Full Version : Sugar and cream makers

Paul VT
03-18-2018, 10:05 PM
We are looking to invest in a machine for making granulated sugar and maple cream. What brand and type are people using? Pros and cons of particular ones? Suggestions?
Thank you in advance!

03-19-2018, 04:58 AM
For sugar i really like my 20 quart hobart mixer..got one for $150 and the other for $250 off craigs list...i got new bowls from alternitive restraunt supply in kingston n.h.....on the downside is they are large and heavy (200lbs.) But,,,plenty of power.....i have made cream with them.....and they do work for that,,,but if you are making alot of cream the cdl cream machines are pretty nice

My 2 cents...good luck

03-19-2018, 10:45 AM
I made a quart of cream with a DaveG powered mixer. Cost=free; cons=slow, small volume.
Hobart in my next lifetime.

Paul VT
03-19-2018, 08:47 PM
For sugar i really like my 20 quart hobart mixer..got one for $150 and the other for $250 off craigs list...i got new bowls from alternitive restraunt supply in kingston n.h.....on the downside is they are large and heavy (200lbs.) But,,,plenty of power.....i have made cream with them.....and they do work for that,,,but if you are making alot of cream the cdl cream machines are pretty nice

My 2 cents...good luck
Could you post a picture of what yours looks like? Thanks.

03-20-2018, 07:41 AM
I built one from instructions on this site.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Paul VT
03-20-2018, 08:12 PM
That’s impressive!

03-21-2018, 04:34 AM
Nice looking cream! A though product to make. The gear pump machines are the way to go for cream.
I use a 20 qt Hobart for sugar, abd can make up to 2 gallons at a time. Works great!

03-21-2018, 04:41 AM
I am planning on making some sugar tonight with the hobart.....yoh tell me how to post a pic here and i will take some tonight

03-21-2018, 04:41 AM
Very nice looking cream

03-30-2018, 08:28 PM
Nice looking cream! A though product to make. The gear pump machines are the way to go for cream.
I use a 20 qt Hobart for sugar, abd can make up to 2 gallons at a time. Works great!

Chris, how are you boiling down the syrup before you stir it in the Hobart? I'm ready to up my game. I'd like to be able to turn 20 gallons of syrup into sugar in the course of a day. I've got lots of questions on what's working for folks - I hate to spend the money and not end up any better than stirring by hand.

03-30-2018, 08:34 PM
I am planning on making some sugar tonight with the hobart.....yoh tell me how to post a pic here and i will take some tonight

Parker, when you're in the "Quick reply" window, there is an icon in the top bar for "picture". You should be able to click that, then "choose file." Once the file is chosen, you can click "upload."

I asked this questions of Chris, but I'll ask you the same: What are you using to boil down the syrup before mixing? It seems like it would take a massive pot and quite a long time to boil two gallons to the right temperature. And wouldn't it need to have a thick bottom so the syrup doesn't scorch? Thanks!

03-31-2018, 08:24 PM
Thanks i will try the pic thing next time i make some
I use a 2 or 3 gallon pot right on the stove top,,,im only able to mix one gallon at a time, mabey my mixer is getting tired? It takes alot of power when the syrup starts to sugar

03-31-2018, 08:50 PM
Ahhh You will love making cream with a Hobart mixer compared to by hand. Make sure your syrup will make sugar.
I boil to 260 deg F, Deep pan, about 1 gallon to 1.5 gallons.
Remove from heat and carefully pour into the mixer bowl. Run mixer on low.
I think you could make more sugar with a little bigger batch boiling. Be careful!
20 gallons of syrup a day into sugar is a pile. Thats 160 lbs of sugar.

I dont have a huge pan to boil in it is about 12 inches in dia x 12 inches deep. Thats why I dont do more that 1 gallon to 1.5 gallon. I put defomer around the inside rim. put a big metal spoon in the pot. and keep a eye on it. Syrup that boils over can catch on fire!!!

04-01-2018, 05:31 AM
Ahhh You will love making cream with a Hobart mixer compared to by hand. Make sure your syrup will make sugar.
I boil to 260 deg F, Deep pan, about 1 gallon to 1.5 gallons.
Remove from heat and carefully pour into the mixer bowl. Run mixer on low.
I think you could make more sugar with a little bigger batch boiling. Be careful!
20 gallons of syrup a day into sugar is a pile. Thats 160 lbs of sugar.

I dont have a huge pan to boil in it is about 12 inches in dia x 12 inches deep. Thats why I dont do more that 1 gallon to 1.5 gallon. I put defomer around the inside rim. put a big metal spoon in the pot. and keep a eye on it. Syrup that boils over can catch on fire!!!

It is a pile... but I have a buyer who will take that much each month and I'd like to only have to ignore the market gardens one day a month and churn out sugar. Right now I do 3 qts per batch by hand, with two pots going at a time. I can make 60-80 lbs a day that way, so it seems like doubling that isn't too much to ask. Just hate to buy equipment before I have a solid plan in place! If you don't mind, I might try to give you a call sometime after I'm done sapping to get some more pointers.

04-01-2018, 08:42 AM
If your making that much by hand then the Hobart or equivalent machine will allow you to triple that with no problem! You should be able to get the cold syrup up to temp about the time the first batch is done in the mixer. Should not have to clean the pans or the mixer till done for the day.
Your welcome to call me any time.

