View Full Version : My Sap bags are under attack!

03-17-2018, 08:08 PM
Hey Folks, a newbie to the forum here and I could use some advice.

Last weekend (3/10) we hung about 300 bags and then waited for the sap to flow. I went out to the sugarbush this morning to check them for the first time and was disappointed to see that almost every bag had been attacked by what appears to be some type of rodent. Each bag had a few small puncture holes at each corner and sometimes in the middle of the bottom of the bag. The puncture holes look to be from teeth and the holes are often about .75" apart. I've also noticed that the holes in most cases are through one side of the bag but not the other.

This happened to us last year at the end of the season and after replacing the bags twice, we decided to pull the taps. Any guess as to what's eating our bags and how to prevent it? My guess is maybe squirrels, mice or a pine martin. Anyhow, what the hell is going on and how can I prevent it from happening again?



03-17-2018, 08:53 PM
I've had small punctures in the bottom edge of the bags. I'm assuming mice or squirrels. We maybe lost 2-3 bags. We only have about 20 bags so this year we put duct tape along the bottom edge of the bag with it extending about 1/2 inch beyond the bag. I can't see doing this for 300 bags though.

There was some discussion on here about using deer spray on the bags, but I'd be worried about getting the smell into the syrup somehow.

03-17-2018, 09:06 PM
Its the squirrels. They have been decimating my bags here in SE Michigan. They didn't bother them at all last year but this year has been terrible. I tried using Gorilla tape on the bottom and they go right through those also. I was replacing them everyday and yesterday I had so many I just pulled them and the spiles and called it a year on those trees. My woods has a high percentage of Hickory trees which I guess attracts squirrels because of the hickory nuts. I am going to replace with traditional metal sap pails with lids for next year. I might also get a live trap and start "thinning" the local squirrel population. When walking through my woods you can easily see 15 + squirrels anywhere you walk.

Jolly Acres Farm
03-18-2018, 08:06 AM
I also concluded it's squirrels. Ive had them do it to a few bags in the past. I found that removal of the squirrels is the best method to aliveate the problem, but this may noy always be possible or wanted. The second option ive tried with some luck, is filling 5 gallon pails with whole corn and placings a few in the areas the squirrel liked best in our bush.. ....its keep them busy getting the corn....leaving most of the bags untouched. Good luck, I understand your frustration......

03-18-2018, 06:41 PM
Remember, kill one squirrel and 10 come to the funeral.